(New Rant!) Ghostbusters: The Reboot

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What do you mean, "that's not what it's called"? That is the title of the movie. I know, cause I've seen it.

Yeah yeah, *gasp* /shockhorror\! I fucking saw it, okay?

And you know what? It was pretty good.

Sure, it wasn't the best movie ever, but it had to try and "live up to at least some of the hype" (read: oppose the critism) it was getting from being a movie with female leads ("Ain't no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts!" <--- actual comment that was actually typed) and try to live up to our unrealistic ideals for it at the same time. Of fucking course it wasn't gonna be amazing. But, it was still pretty good.

Look, I am but a humble fanfic writer sharing my opinion with all who care. If you don't, leave. It's as simple as that.

This is gonna be a long one, so get comfy. Also, light *SPOILERS* for some scenes. I may make an spoiler-free rant later, so stay tuned. (Maybe, idk)

I liked the suspense of the first scene and the jumpscare did get me good, but after that it kinda repeats the same kind of jumpscare over and over, so you kind of learn to get ready for it.

It did have some fart jokes and stuff, but I eat that shit (pun intended) up, so fuck you.

The fact that the leads were female didn't do anything for me (but give me some eye candy to look at constantly. Seriously, Holtzmann can hmtfu and so can Kate). I don't really feel anything towards that except 'oh look, girl leads. cool.' The only gender thing that I felt any real emotions about in this movie is that Kevin, Chris's character, was the dumb receptionist only there for looking at. Suck on that, men. How does it feel?

If you're going to see this movie (let's be honest, you probably won't, but if you are the small majority that are), stay for the credits. It's not really an after-credits scene, because it's during the credits, but it is brilliant. I won't give anything away, but um, it's truely great.

The villian didn't really do that much for me until he started with his master plan. He was just kind of a device for an anti-bullying thing until the final act.

I loved Leslie Jones in this. Maybe it's because I'm black and a girl, but everything she did just feels like everything I would do. She was great.

And lastly, the soundtrack.
The soundtrack was one of my favorite parts of the movie.

I LOVED 'Ghostbusters (I'm Not Afraid)' by Fall Out Boy ft. Missy Elliot (you do not know how much joy i get out of typing that, holy shit) just like I knew I would. Some people don't like it because it's a 'different style' or whatever, but it's the hypest song I've heard from FOB since Rat A Tat (which I also fucking love). Maybe it's because I adore FOB, or maybe it's because I like Missy Elliot, or maybe it's because two of my favs are collab-ing (or maybe, just maybe, it's a great song. Just saying), but YES. ALL OF THE YES. The other songs were good, too, but oH MY GOD THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING

Okay but seriously, this soundtrack was boss. A-fucking-+, my friends.

And those were my thoughts on Ghostbusters: The Reboot (that's what it should've been called tbh). Three cheers for the longest rant to date!

This is probably gonna lose me a lot of followers, but I don't really look at that anyway, so.

I know in the last one I said "I'll try to get myself in a better place" or something like that, and I'm not really in a better place, but I haven't felt so strongly about a topic in awhile, so here's something to celebrate.

I'm going to go listen to Fake You Out on repeat now. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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