No Boyfriend? No Life.

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Never in my life was I so desperate for a boyfriend. Seriously. I could date any guy I like ,but they are either taken, not interested, gay, or famous. Even the weirdest girl in school has a boyfriend like what the hell!

Valentine's Day was around the corner ,and I had no valentine whatsoever. Unless it's from my dad. Every Valentine's Day, I spend it with Ashton or Calum. And no it's not some type of love triangle thing. They both love me as a friend and a sister ,so no forbidden love and one night stands with them. Ever.

I'm jealous of them because they are in relationships. Ashton loves this girl named Cammie ,and I believe Calum and Trish are going out. So I'm the only single one. The fifth wheel even though they said it would be fun to hang together. Fun my ass.

"Tessa hey!" I turned to see Ashton holding onto his satchel as ran towards me. "Sup." "How have you been? I'm sorry for not picking you up yesterday. I had plans with Cammie ,and I forgot." "Save it Irwin. I'm a little pissed you ditched your best friend ,but I forgive you cause I love you man." I lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"So uh? How are you dealing with Luke and Maria?" "Honestly I'm not too keen on the idea she made him dyed his hair black ,but he deserved it. Karma bit him in the ass for being a fuckboy." He laughed. "So where's Cal?" Ashton leaned on the locker next to mine, "he should be here in three, two, one," "guys I'm here!" Calum put his hands on his knees and breathed pretty hard.

"Did you really run for fifteen minutes from your house?" "Yes now shut up. Plus I was in the office. We have two new students." "Nice bet you ten dollars they are popular and full of bull." "Shut up Ashton." I said.

"Spill Cal. What are they like?" "They're siblings of course but one is adopted. One is Michael, he's seventeen, and his hair is seriously like galaxy colored. It's so cool. Then we have Roxy who is of course in our grade and seventeen ,but her hair is silver and black. She's pretty hot."

"Calum you have a girlfriend." "Nah, we broke up yesterday." "Oh my fucking god why does everything happen yesterday!" "Chill." "No Calum I won't why don't you tell me these things?" "Because of right now."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get to class." Calum and I had history together while Ashton had photography.

We walked in and if as it were on cue, Maria started feeling all over Luke. As if I'm jealous. "Hello class," Ms. Karine walked in with a bunch of papers and her hair in a messed up bun. She plopped the papers down on her desk. "Well I stayed up late grading papers and about all of you failed the test except for Calum, Stacey, and Tessa." She passed back our papers.

Looking over my paper, I only missed one question ,but I got an A. So what.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in." A girl with silver and black hair and brown eyes came in. Everyone stared at her admiring her beauty. "That's her." Calum nudged me. "Hi dear. You must be Roxy. Class this is Roxy and she will be joining us this year." "Hey I'm Roxy." "Roxy why won't you sit over there by Maria and Luke." "I feel so bad for her. Dealing with them."

She walked past me and sat down next to Luke. He started talking to her ,but she really didn't like it. She just blankly ignored him. I like her. She's like us. An awesome person who hates the popular kids.

A/N: New story what what!! I'm excited for this one. Btw this will be Roxy

 Btw this will be Roxy

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And Maria

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And Maria

And Maria

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