Chapter Three: I Know You..

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"Megatronus is the winner!!" Stormblazer cheered as Megatronus came back to the room, it was his last match of the night and his best so far. Stormblazer climbed on his berth and smiled as his caretaker came into the berthroom. Megatronus patted his helm and went into their washracks.

"Megatronus can I go down into the pits ? Please ?"

"No, wait for me...That is no place for a child." Stormblazer sighed then sat on the berth and waited. He always loved going down to the pits to see the fighters, most were rude and cruel but some were kind to Stormblazer. Stormblazer was only ten years old, he was born in Kaon but his mother died after separation, leaving him with his father.

Stormblazer's father was a fighter in the pits but was defeated and murdered by the guards one night. They swore he was cheating and stealing from other fighters, he was shot on the spot, Stormblazer was only five when he witnessed his father's death. Stormblazer was going to be offlined as well but he was protected by Megatronus who knew his father, the rest is history.

"Let's go," Stormblazer followed Megatronus down to the pits. He heard yelling and screaming then a fight broke out between two fighters, Megatronus being one of the top fighters, went to break up the fight. Stormblazer looked around the run down stalls where the newest fighters recharged, it seemed unfair but it was how things went.

Stormblazer heard panicked breathing from one of the unused stalls, he knew he shouldn't move but he was curious about the sound. Stormblazer followed the noise to the end of the row, his optics widened and he tried not to gasp in shock.

"Stormblazer ! What did I tell you about wandering off ?" Stormblazer pointed inside the stall, Megatronus was just as shocked as Stormblazer. A small femme was inside the stall, she had dents and was covered in dirt.

"We have to help her. Please Megatronus," Megatronus grabbed the femme and carried her out of the pits. Megatronus knew someone who could help them, a fighter he was friends with until he left that is. Megatronus and Stormblazer made their way down the dark streets of Kaon until they came to an abandoned home.

"I need you to come see me in the usual spot. I need your help, quickly..Stormblazer I'm going out front, stay inside and stay quiet. I'll be back shortly." Stormblazer nodded and watched the femme recharge on the berth.

"Don't worry, Megatronus is going to help you," Stormblazer grabbed the femme's hand and slightly smirked. She jolted awake and began to panic. Stormblazer squeezed tightly on her hand and stayed calm.

"Stop..It's okay, I-..We aren't going to hurt you. Calm down..I'm Stormblazer. My friend Megatronus is getting help, he'll be back soon. I promise." The femme understood him and sat down on the berth again, her knees pulled up to her chassis.

"I-..I'm Nightstar...I'm from Kaon, my parents were..killed. I'm alone now," Stormblazer felt her pain and climbed on the berth. He gave her a hug and shook his helm.

"Not anymore. You're going to be safe now Nightstar, I swear it," Nightstar smiled and layed down against the mech's chassis. She felt safe for the first time since she lost her parents.

"This is her. I found the pits," Megatronus and his friend came into the house, a bit shocked. The femme was quietly sitting watching Stormblazer recharge, their hands locked the entire time.

"You must be Megatronus..You are here to help me, right ?"

"Yes he is..My name is Soundwave and I am here to take you someplace safe. I will be taking you to a new home in Iacon with a pair of parents but you can never speak of this night, to anyone. Not even your new parents, understood ?" The femme nodded and looked back to Stormblazer, she didn't want to leave him and risk never seeing him again but she had no choice.

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