Chapter Seven: Mixed Emotions

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Stormblazer had searched the entire base but still he couldn't find Nightstar, he knew Knockout was the last mech to see her so he made his way to the medbay. Stormblazer wasn't angry just worried, he was scared that Nightstar would get lost or hurt. As he walked into the medbay he heard yelling from the back room, he cleared his throat to make himself known.

"Ah, Commander. What can I help you with?" Knockout had a few chips in his paint, Stormblazer wanted to ask about it but knew it wasn't any of his business.

"Have you seen Nightstar? I have been searching the base for the last hour but can't find her anywhere," Knockout turned his helm and sighed. He had a few ideas but nothing significant, Stormblazer rolled his optics ready to leave the medbay. Knockout grabbed his Commander's arm to stop him from leaving.

"When she woke up she said she had remembered something from her past. She rushed out of here in a hurry," Stormblazer leaned against the wall and listened to the medic explain in more detail.

"Nightstar said that she went to The Sparkbeat a while back, she said some mech saved her that night and she believed that it was you. After that she left the medbay." Stormblazer slid his mouthplate out as a smile covered his faceplate, he didn't want the CMO to see him in such an ecstatic mood.

Stormblazer left the medbay and headed for The Sparkbeat, he knew there would be a crowd showing up soon since the sun was getting ready to set but it was his only lead. As Stormblazer flew to the club he thought back on that night, he remembered dancing and laughing with the femme, never did he suspect that he would meet her again.

Stormblazer got to the club and made his way inside, he smiled as he heard the music playing and people laughing. It reminded him of that night many months ago, Stormblazer made his way through the crowd of people and searched the entire club. He felt defeated as his search failed, Nightstar wasn't here. He sat down at a table and heavily sighed as he realized he lost track of her.

Nightstar had been walking around the scrapyard for almost a hour now and still she found no trace of the Shadow Reader. Nightstar punched a pile of scrap as she realized there was no hope of finding the mech. Nightstar slid onto the ground and covered her face in shame and angst, she felt utterly defeated.

"Why him? Why did I have to fall for him?" Nightstar cried to herself as the truth kept still in her mind. She was a spy for the Autobots, no matter what her spark felt she could never be with him in the correct way. She would be a disgrace to her father and friends back in Iacon, she would have no faction.

"Tell me child, why have you come back here?" Nightstar lifted her helm as the voice spoke to her. The mech helped Nightstar off the ground before grabbing her hands and smiling, he knew why she had come back to him. Nightstar kept still as the mech looked over her frame, she could see he was judging her.

"You are in love child, a love like this is uncommon these days. I can tell you what I see in your future but you my child are the one to make it happen." Nightstar heavily sighed then asked the most important question on her mind.

"D-Does he love me?" Nightstar waited for an answer but the mech didn't answer her in the way that she truly wanted.

"Nightstar I may be able to see your future but that does not mean I will tell you everything...There are things in this world you must discover on your own my child. All I will say now is this, Stormblazer is currently looking for you for his own reasons. Now go my child," the mech faded away before Nightstar could say anything else.

"Nightstar? Are you there?" Nightstar heard the comm come through but she was afraid of speaking, she knew her voice would give off the wrong vibe. Instead Nightstar transformed and made her way to Iacon, she had to visit an old friend before the night was over.

Stormblazer left the club after having a few drinks, he felt alone and abandoned almost. He started walking away from the club, the entire time he thought about Nightstar and what she might be doing. Stormblazer transformed and made his way back to the base, maybe he'd see her there but he highly doubted it.

"Stormblazer. You look like scrap," Stormblazer turned around and threw a punch at whoever made the comment but it was caught and he was laughed at. Stormblazer sighed as he saw it was Megatron, he shook his helm and started beating on the holograms again.

"Nightstar, she..she's everywhere. She is my every thought. I-..I can't stop thinking about her but I don't think she's very fond of me," Stormblazer punched the holograms harder and harder each time. His anger getting the best of him, he had felt something for the femme since she first joined them a month ago.

"Stormblazer, you need to focus on our cause. If the femme does enjoy your company she will soon come around but for now let's try and keep your mind clear and focused," Megatron turned off the holograms then left Stormblazer alone with his thoughts. Stormblazer left the training room and made way for his berthroom, alone.

Nightstar was knocking on the balcony doors to her friends berthroom, her only hope was that it would be answered before to long. Although she had gained more of the Decepticons trust she knew being gone for too long would cause more suspicion. Nightstar smiled as the balcony doors opened and she saw her best friend.

"Elita, oh how I've missed you!" Nightstar tightly hugged her friend who just chuckled and tightly hugged back. Nightstar came into the berthroom and laid back on the berth, she trusted talking to Elita One more than anyone else in Iacon.

"Well what's wrong? There must be something troubling you to come find me at this time of night...Did something go wrong with your mission?" Nightstar sat up and shook her helm. She wasn't sure how or even where to start, she knew what she was about to tell Elita One would sound rather traitorous.

"Elita I-..You can't tell anyone. Not even Optimus, promise me this will be our secret," Elita One nodded and let the femme continue talking.

"I I know, I'm in love with Megatron's Second...I'm so afraid Elita, I don't want to be in love with him but I can't help it. It's like..It's like I need him or something," Nightstar covered her faceplate in shame as she spoke. Elita One was shocked but she was going to stay by Nightstar's side even if she loved a Decepticon.

"Nightstar, that feeling you have for him is real love. That is the very thing that brought Optimus and I together...A love like that is so important to have. I-...If you truly love this mech then you will let go of your fear and you will let yourself truly fall for him." Elita One saw how scared and hurt her friend truly was, it hurt her that she couldn't do more.

"I want to be with him. I want to make memories together but Elita my father would disown me if he ever found out how I felt. I would be considered a traitor to the Autobot cause...I would be known as a dishonor to my family and friends..I-..I can't act on this emotion." Nightstar walked out to the balcony and let her helm hang.

"Nightstar go before they notice you are gone..Just promise me that you will continue to think about acting on this feeling. Never forget that sometimes love can be the deadliest weapon in a war," Elita One hugged Nightstar and watched her fly away. She had fear in spark as she thought about the outcome that this may bring on her friend. 

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