Stay with me (Sick'Sousuke x Reader)

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You were going to take care of your boyfriend Yamazaki Sousuke because he was sick. You rushed to his room in Samezuka and opened the door with your spare key.

He was alone because Rin was away with the iwatobi swim club and you wanted to take care of him, so that he gets better.

,,Sousuke I'm here" you said.

,,Hey" he replied in a low quiet voice and you could tell that he was really sick. You climbed up the latter and saw him in his bed with lots of blankets and his face was slightly red.

You sat down on his bed and felt his forehead which you pulled quickly away because it was so hot.

,,Sousuke! You could have told me that it was this bad !" You scolded.

,,Then take care of me" he said and coughed.

You went to the bathroom and got a towel and put it in a bucket with cold water. You rushed back to his room and put the cold towel on his forehead.

,,Thanks" he said and you kissed his cheek.

,,Do you want to eat something" you asked.

,,Yes" he replied.

,,What do you want to eat" you asked titling your head to the side.

,,Anything. I haven't eaten all day. I'm starving" he said.

,,I'll get you some soup, just wait a bit" you said with a smile and went to the kitchen to make it. (If not than pretend that there is a kitchen;)

After a few minutes you brought the soup in a tray with some water and medicine.

You opened the door with your foot and climbed the latter up and tried not to spill anything. As you got up you saw that he was sleeping. You smiled at how cute he looked and you gently shook him.

,,Sousuke food is ready" you said and the sound of your soft angelic voice woke him up.

He opened his eyes slowly and sat up, you put a pillow behind his head so he would be more comfortable.

,,Did you make it" he asked sleeply. You smiled and nodded.

,,Sure. A special soup for Sousuke " you said.

He smiled and ruffled your hair ,,Thank you (F/n)" he said and you giggled.

,,Is there anything you want me to do" you asked and he nodded.

,,There I'm sick I want you to feed me" he said and you blushed.

,,Fine but only because you are sick" you replied while turning red.

You took the spoon and scouped some of the soup, you brought it to your mouth and blew on it to cool it down.

,,Say ahhh..." you said as if he was a little kid and he laughed weakly, then opened his mouth and took a bite of the soup.

You continued this until the soup was done. Then put your hand on his forehead, it was still hot but not that much like before.

You gave him a fresh cold towel from the bucket and replaced it with the other one.

,,Here Sousuke take this" You said ad handed him the medicine. He brought it to his lips and you gave him the glas water.

When he was done you helped him lay back down and fluffed his pillow for him. Before you got up

,,Stay with me..."he said shyly and you smiled.

,,Sure thing" you replied and held his hand.

,,Thanks (F/n). I love you" he said slowly and drifted off to sleep leaving you a blushing mess.

,,I love you too Sousuke" you said and drifted off to sleep, still holding his hand.

***Next morning ***

In the morning you woke up with a massive headache and Sousuke was up. You still lying beside him.

You looked up
,,Morning" he said in his usual voice.

,,Morning Sou..ACHOO" you sneezed.

,, I think you caught my cold" he said and smirked.

,,Now you have to stay by my side till I get better " you said with a sick voice.


Hope you enjoyed reading it

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