8 Years Later

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"Come on Harmony lets go!" Amon exclaimed. Well it's not like we're going to be late, "when you go to invite someone to a tourney they don't know your coming. " she says flatly. Besides I have to say goodby to my parents and Syilvea. Ok, but hurry I'll be on the boat ok.
"You said Ok twice."
"Do you have to point out everything wrong with what everyone says all the time."
"Yes, that's what happens when you speak 16 languages, also I'm just smarter than all you shit heads."
"Just go." He says clearly frustrated.
"Thank you your grace!" She says in a mocking tone.
Harmony skips off to find her parents. "Daddy!" She screams as she runs and tackle/hugs him( she almost made him  fall from the momentum). He smiles at her. "I am going to miss you." he says "me too." She whispers. Harmony in every way is a daddy's little girl. Before she starts to cry she tells him she's going to say bye to her mom.
"Mama." She says as she goes into her parents room. There she finds her mom reading on the bed. She jumps onto the bed and hugs her. This time Harmony can't help it, she starts bawling. Which leads her mom to start to cry. "I'm going to miss you soooo much"!Harmony says.
"I will miss you too." her mom says as she wipes her tears.
I'll be back I promise! Harmony says feeling a bit more cheerful.
"I love you." Her mom says
"Love you too."Harmony says. As Harmony walks out Syilvea run and hugs her then screams" I'm coming with you!!"
"For real!"
"Let's go to the boat!"

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