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Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I actually had chicken pox( and kind of still do). But I'll try to write more. BTW I have been watching a lot of teen movies wile I was super sick, so get ready for some references!
Harmony's POV

"Why are we here, they have a socialist economy!" Me and Amon turn to Syilvea. "You said something that wasn't stupid?" Amon says.
I can be smart." she replies.
"Did the Maersters give you pills to take with you?" I ask.
"Noooooo!" she clearly lied.
"You know the drill." I say as I hand her a bucket.
"Aw, but I like to be smart!" she wines. "Too bad," "ok guys so I'm just going to get some stuff from the island, then I'll
be back in the boat." I say in the simplest way possible. They both nod slowly. "And remeber if you go on the island you will get pregnant and you will die( ha see what I did there)." They both nod quickly. Ok so they won't get pregnant or die but they will get butterfly fever and die, so kind of the same. "Any questions?"
"Is butter a carb?"
"Yes Syilvea butter is a carb." I say as I get off the boat.
I step on to the warm sand it truly is as white as Amon's hair. I put some in a vile( for my mother, and yes sometimes I can be a good person.)
"Hello." a woman says.
FUCK! I scream as I pull butterfly out of my hair.
"I'm sorry if I frightened you." the woman says. I realize she's speaking high valaryian, I also remember that theses people are like my mom, they don't kill.
"It's ok." I say
"You speak westerosi?" she asks.
"Yes, but my kind of mother tongue is high valaryian." I reply
"Whatever you feel more comfortable with." she says with a smile. Ok not even my mom is this nice this is kind of scary.
"Oh" the woman says "you should probably leave the butterfly's might kill you."
"Oh, "ya "say "I wanted to get stuff for my mom because she is from here."
"Maybe you can be near the butterfly's and not die I'm just not sure, I don't think I've ever known someone that's half naathi." She says thoughtfully.
"I don't want to die so nice to meet you." I say quickly. She said killer butterfly's hell no! I think as I run back to the boat. I should have thought about the fact that I could get butterfly fever! "Ok," I say as I get back on the boat time to go!
"Pretty!" Syilvea squeaks as she points to my shoulder. I slowly turn to see a navy colored " killer butterfly" on my bare skin. Suddenly I turn to see a swarm surrounds me. I forgot butterfly's are attracted to me. When we leave shore they just keep hovering by me but not touching Amon or Syilvea. If you die can I have your stuff?
"Shut the fuck up Syilvea!" I hiss.
" So no?"
"No!" "It's been 2 hours and your not pregnant or dead." Amon says.
"So, I'll be okay?"
"Your the smart one."
"Damn it!" I scream!

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