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I always wear a smile
A smile that won't last for a while
My heart felt like it ran for a mile
Everything I know will be hidden in a file

The reason why I can't really rave
Is because I'm busy digging my own grave
I may look very brave
But my anxiety doesn't know how to behave

Even though I may act very tough,
My life will forever be that rough
Even if I said, "I've had enough!",
I wish I'd easily come off like a slough

I may have nothing marked in my vein
That doesn't mean that I'm still sane
I'm restraining myself from the pain
Here is where I live in vain

I've never felt so much pressure
My friends look at me as if it weighed a feather
What's it like to have a life that's pure
From problems that made me insecure?

People think of it as a joke
I think of it as drowning without you having to choke,
The feeling of having a heart attack without you dying from the stroke,
The feeling of your spine being snapped, yet it was your mind that made it provoke

Keeping a fake smile
Is like throwing my body into a pile
My insanity made it reek of bile
My mind was the only person who took me hostile

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