The Bored Drug Lord

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It all started with a birthday card
Now look at me
I'm a drug lord

With only one hundred dollars,
I've had my first puff

It also began with a broken... heart
Tch, stupid bitch
They weren't even worth my fucking love

I hear my friends saying over and over again,
"Oh, if only I could help you!"

They didn't help me through shit
So much for having friends

The only things that make me forget are drugs...
My real friends

They're always there when I need them the most.
They help me forget
But only for a short amount of time

Sadly, all good things come with a price
A stupid decision, I know, but it helped me so much

How did I become a lord of drugs?
I murdered my local drug dealer and took their identity

A neighbor of mine taught me the ways of a dealer for beginners
I've learned their language of codes

I can't specifically tell you how to speak it
It's a secret
The only rule plugs these days follow

As time went by, I've earned respect
Now I'm a drug lord

I had a win - win situation with myself
I can get both drugs and money to get more
The catch... I haven't seen my family for six years

Yet, they never called me
Nor have I seen my face printed in public

So they never cared about me, huh?
I fucking knew it
Those fucking pieces of shit

About the one who broke my heart,
They're now working for me as one of my dealers

I wanted to do it
With the money and power I have, it's possible
I want to kill them all... everyone!

Because I'm bored

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