Stronger ch1

314 7 11

Y/N your name
(Saber is your last name)
F/C favorite color
S/f/c second favorite color
H/c hair color
E/c eye color
W/t weapon type


I looked around and I could hear my 1 year old baby sister crying. I go to see if she's ok then I see a man with a knife that's in my mother... there's a red pool around her and I was confused

"Mister what game are you playing with my momma?

He looked at me and smirked.

"A game you'll be playing soon."

He walked over to me. Before he can get to me my daddy came he backed his path and he wispeared to me...

"Get you sister. Then Y/N i want you to run to Auntie and tell her Garte Ro'mave came to visit."

I nodded and grabbed my little sister Hikari. I ran out of the house to my aunties house. I nocked the door none stop until she opened it.

"Auntie Mavis daddy told me to tell you Garte Ro'mave came to visit."

Her face went to confuse then horror. She opened the door and ran out. I saw uncle Zerif walk up to the door.

"Uncle Zerif Auntie Mavis went go check on daddy and that man Garte Ro'mave."
His face changed and it was wide eyed. He picked me up making she he didn't crush little Hikari.
We walk in side and he put me on the couch and takes my sister from me.

He sat down rocking Hikari back and forth. I climbed over to him and snuggled into his side. I slowly fell asleep.

*2 years later*

"The sky give me your your wisdom
Earth lend me your strength
Water give me your power
Fire lend me you determination
With all four elements in my hands I will bend my power to the Demon in side me... help me fight my opponent let me add my demon to are command for we can claim victory in are battles to come!"

A red, green, purple, blue and black Light surrounded Me. I felt my demon binding with my elements. When I ran in side to my mirror I see my black horns sticking up my once E/c are none red, I had black, red, blue, green,and purple markings through the out my body.

"I release my commend until i call fore you again in those words I'll say....Drako spen...."

I felt back to normal I looked at my H/c, my E/c, and my smooth skin. I grew much older in the last two years... suffering with out a mother and father was hard but I lived. For Hikari she thinks Auntie Mavis is her mom and Uncle Zerif is her dad. She's three now and she doesn't remenber are real parents so I don't stop her from saying that.

During the two years little Hikari hair turned white and light blue highlights. Her eyes are neon blue with a hint of white.. Her skin is flawless. During the years we found out she can learn any light magic from the markings around her wrist and the white small dragon horns on her head.

I love my sister and her magic is beautiful. Auntie said when we're both in age well both be match at power but I don't think that's ture cause she can turn to a pure white dragon and a angle when I turn in to a demon.

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