Chapter Ten

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Instagram: fairlyxloco

I stood there staring at the door in front of me wondering if I should even knock it. The cold breeze traveled throughout my arms and neck sending a trail of goosebumps. Meanwhile, the rain kept coming hard and heavy but it couldn't be as loud as my mind as it ran in circles.

Should I do it? I asked myself mentally one more time before my hand involuntarily formed a fist and started knocking on the door. I gasped wondering what I've done, but after a few seconds I came to the conclusion no one heard it since they didn't open the door. I sighed of relief and turned around ready to go walk around the streets and find something to keep me occupied.


I turned around seeing Seth look at me with a confused look but still smiling a little. He stood leaning on the door frame, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants with his hair a little messy. Yet he still managed to look better than me. "I knew you would come." He stated as the confused look went away and was replaced by a full grin. Realization dawned suddenly on his face as he looked at me and saw me drenched. "Oh my god, I'm sorry, come in. I didn't even realize it was raining I just saw you and I was just shocked, not shocked per se since I knew you would come, but still," He stopped and started staring at me in awe. "Wow." He finished giddily smiling at me.

I let out a slight chuckle and shot him a tired smirk. "Well are you just going to keep me out here or can I come in pretty boy?" I teased.

He moved past the doorframe and gestured for me to come in as a response. I smiled and took a step in getting a wave of warmth hitting me from finally being inside. I looked around seeing portraits of Seth and James and three other children, I assume their siblings. While others showed of a man and woman, both probably in their mid 40's, his parents. Seth's mom approached me with a friendly smile a took my hands. "Hi I'm Seth's mother, but you can call me Patrice dear." She said kindly. "Wow Seth, you got a girl who's punctual too, just in time for dinner." She stated with a wink. I awkwardly scratched my arm giving her a small smile but at the same time wanting to correct her that Seth and I are just classmates.  "Come come, let's get you here in the living room with everyone and I'll bring you a blanket, poor girl must be freezing." She added while kissing her teeth.

I entered the living room as told and saw James and Jordan lying on the couch together with his arm around her as they looked at his phone while quietly making remarks and giggling to one another about what they saw on the little screen. "Hey, it's that same girl who's with my lame brother!" He proclaimed when he looked up from his phone and shot me a wide smile. Jordan sent me a sweet smile and waved.

Suddenly the three kids on the couch fighting over the remote snapped their heads and began to analyze me with confusion. "Those are my other siblings." Seth pointed out. "This is Mona and Lisa, they're twins." The two identical teens with light brown hair and amber eyes sent me a small smile. A little boy ran up to Seth and gave him a hug. "And this is Drew." He said hugging the boy back.

Drew pulled back from the hug and looked at me in fascination. "Do you like superheroes?" He asked me with his head turned slightly.

"Yeah, I love them." I said with a smile.

He started to smile wide and nodded his head. "Me too, we can be friends now." He said and wrapped his small hand around mine and began to walk me around. I looked back at Seth and saw him smiling at me. "What's your name?" Drew asked.

"Brooke." I answered smiling at him picking up his toys that were in my way.

"That's a really pretty name." He said with a smile nodding his head one more.

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