4-The Perfect Picture

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((the song above was what I listened too while writing this))

"Sorry, what did you say?" Gil asked me, I looked down "I-I can't...." He
Smiled, getting a pen and paper, he began to write 'Your drawing is very pretty' he pushed the page to me, I looked to him and he gave me an encouraging smile, I began to write.

'Thank you,'

'When did you get that bear, he's cool'

Matthew blushed 'I've had him ever since I became a real country'

'He's cute!'

Matthew chuckled 'thank you'

'Almost as cute as you'

  They wrote back and forth the entire meeting, talking back and forth, soon the page was filled and they started to write on Gil's arms, when those were filled, Gil insisted that Matthew write his number down on his side, and the meeting ended, they smiles at each other and bid goodbyes.

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