Cheering them up.

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(Your POV)

"Chara..please..tell me what's wrong.." You knock on the door a couple of times.Chara opens the door,wiping the tears away.

"I'm's just that..I have no friends.." They sob a bit."I feel so alone.." They said, You hug them,trying to make them feel comfortable.

"I-it's alright..." You hug them tightly."Mettaton's the only friend I have..D-don't worry..I'll be your friend.."

"R-really!?" Chara asked,You gave them a simple nod. Their eyes sparkled with joy as they jumped happily.

"I MADE MY FIRST EVER FRIEND!! YAY!!" They pulled out a to-do list and put a check on it.

"That's cool bro." Asriel popped up behind you,as soon as you turned to face him,you trip and fall back on your butt.Asriel Chuckles.

"H-HOW DID YOU GET THERE SO FAST!?" You asked,slightly startled.

"I forgot to mention,my bro has this...power..where he can change places with himself." Chara explains to you,putting the to-do list back in their pocket.

"Is everything alright here...I thought I heard screaming.." Mettaton peeked out from the door in Asriel's room.

"Everything's fine,Mettaton..I got a little bit startled..heheh.." You akwardly chuckle a bit and stand up.

"Well,Are we still gonna do some baking?!" Chara asked you,slightly poking your right cheek.

"Sure! Why not?" You said as you grabbed Chara's wrist and drag them to the kitchen."Shall we get started then?" You pull out a small tray.

-Another Time skip! Yay!-

You and Chara finished baking,The pie looked delicious while the whole kitchen counter was a mess.
Asriel and Mettaton gathered the ingredients for you while you were thinking about how to bake it.

". . . .Is it too big. . .?" You ask,staring at the pie you and Chara made.

"Do not worry! I shall solve this dilemma!" Chara pulled out a knife and expertly cut the pie in equal sizes.

"Cool! We can all share it!" You poked the pie but then Chara smacks your hand with a spatula. "Owie!" You held your bruised hand,slightly hissing.

"No,no,you must not touch it with dirty hands." Chara puts the spatula on the counter,You rolled your eyes and wash your hands.

My Precious Cinnamon-Butterscotch Pie. (StorySwap!Chara X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now