Chapter 18

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I sat there staring at him how could this happen to him he's so sweet and innocent he didn't deserve this.

I was starting to get tired a and I slowly fell asleep on Blake's shoulder.

Aaron's POV

I saw Cindy fall asleep onto Blake's shoulder then Blake put an arm around her and put his head on hers and fell asleep.

It was So cute my sister deserves him. I looked at elizabeth and saw her blue/grey eyes and admired her curly hair with blonde highlights how am I so Luckey to have her?

"What?" she asked

Oops how long was I staring.

"I'm wondering how Luckey I am to have you." i said

She started blushing it was so cute.

"Look at them." she said referring to Cindy and Blake.

"Yah she needs him and Hunter as friends without them I don't know if she would even have a smile on her face" I said.

"She would because you always know how to make a girl happy." Liz said.

I chuckled.

I started getting dizzy.

"Woah." I said.

"What?" Liz asked

"I don't know my head is hurting. "I said.

I started breathing really heavy I pressed the nurse button.

Cindy and Blake woke up.

"What's happening?" Cindy asked.

The nurses rushed in and started sticking needles in me and it was hurting.

"What's happening Aaron?!?" Cindy asked.

The nurses asked her to leave she was defiant at first Blake had to pull her out. Elizabeth left to. This better not be something serious.

Cindy's POV
"There gonna hurt him with all the needles it's hurting him!" I said

"He's going to be fine you need to trust them." Blake said.

"Ok your right." I said.

"I just don't want him to be hurt." I said.

"I know you care about him you care about a lot of people that's what I like about you." he said.

"Five seconds of summer." I said.

"What?" he asked.

"🎶That's what I like about you you hold me tight🎶" I sang

"Ohh I get it." Blake said.

A nurse came out of the room. "He's going to be fine that was a one time thing and the doctor said that he's gonna be fine just needs recovery." the nurse said.

"So he's not gonna die?" I asked.

"No it was almost a miracle we really thought he wasn't gonna make it." the nurse said.

A smile spread across my face.

I turned to Blake and smiled I hugged him and what I didn't expect he kissed me.

I smiled even bigger after that I walked in the room and Aaron was there on his bed.

"I saw that." he said.

"Saw What?" I asked.

"The door was wide open I saw you kiss." Aaron said.

I turned bright red.

I walked over to Aaron and gave him a big hug.

I called mom I didn't realize it was 4 am I was here all night.

"Hello?" mom asked.

"Mom can You come to the hospital?" I asked.

"Ok" she said.

"Moms coming." I said.

Aaron's gonna be alright.


So Aaron's gonna be fine!
Your welcome for all these updates.

Love you guys😘




WriterMystery WaZ HerE^^^^^

Aaron Carpenters Little Sister//By WriterMystery Where stories live. Discover now