Chapter 5, Your Pain

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Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Allen looked at Lenalee with worried eyes. She was acting strange when she heard the bell rung. Something seemed odd. She was shaking. He could feel her hands shaking uncontrollably in his hold.

She suddenly stood up and immediately backed away. This confused him even more. What was wrong with her? Her skin began to turn paler and she was shaking even more. He could see the worries and panics in her eyes. What was she worrying about?

"Lenalee, is there something wrong?" He asked.

She opened her mouth to say something to him, but no words have escaped her throat. She even attempted to run away but something seemed to have stopped her. She turned to him, tears cascading down her eyes. She looked as if she wanted to tell him to run away.

Now, he's dumbfounded. What did he have to run away? There was no one here. While losing in his own thoughts, he didn't notice the fact that she slowly held out a dagger hidden in the dress.

Allen was caught off-guard when the teal-haired suddenly lunged to him with the dagger in her hand. Luckily, he managed to step to the side and avoided her.

"What's wrong, Lenalee?" He shouted at her in alarm. He was surprised by this. Was she doing this because he had proposed to her? She didn't have to go this far if she didn't want to accept it. But, it seemed that didn't seem to be the right answer.

He was caught by shocked when he noticed her eyes. They're not the same cheerful eyes that she used to have. Instead of the usual light they used to have, both her violet orbs were completely dull. They looked lifeless.

"Lenalee!" He called out to her. She didn't react. Instead, she charged forward and swung the dagger at him several times. He dodged her every swings and tried to grab her at the same time. But, she was faster and more flexible than he had expected as she easily avoided his grasp.

No. this wasn't her. This wasn't Lenalee. He figured that something was wrong with her and he had to find out what.

Lenalee slowly opened her eyes as gained her unconscious.

'What happened?' She thought in confusion. She glanced around and noticed her dark surroundings.

'Where am I?'

Her eyes widened as all memories came back to her. That's right! The clock had struck twelve. She heard a sound giggling in her mind telling her to kill the white-haired. When she tried to fight back, she was subconsciously knocked out.

'Allen!' She was worried now.

'What happened to him?' she turned her head from side to side trying to find traces of the young prince.

'Don't tell me that he's...' She didn't dare to think the rest.

'*giggles* Don't worry...'

Lenalee flinched. She knew that voice.

'He's not dead yet.'

The teal-haired looked a little relief. 'R-Really?'

'Yup! In fact...'

A huge image displayed in front of the young Lee.

'The fun has only begun!'

She gasped. In the image, she saw Allen, avoiding a dagger that was aiming for his head. And then, he tried to grab her arms which she easily avoided.

"Lenalee! Snap out of it!" She heard him shouted.

She realized that what was happening. She was watching herself trying to pierce him with the dagger. It wasn't her. She was still here. Then, what's controlling her body right now?

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