Broken Barbie's Decision

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My mind was moving a thousand miles per second and I stood there in deep thought for a moment. He just stared at me patiently, letting me think through this.I needed a pros and cons list right now.

Pros: cigarettes, he's hot, cigarettes, and you could make real friend. I counted them off in my head .Cons: rumors, getting my ass handed to me from all those empty threats I said to him, no cigarettes, and you could make another fake friend.

He was like my dream guy only he wasn't made of Twizzlers and he came with tobacco. "Um..Why?" I was honestly nervous and that was a rare thing for me. Paula, a rabid teen fangirl who I was pretty sure switched boyfriends like she changed panties (which was a daily thing), nudged me, giving me a you-don't-question-hot-guys look that I ignored.

"We need to talk." He enunciated every syllable slowly. We shouldn't have to talk about anything. He and I moved in different cliques. His was the druggie/stoner/outcast groups and I did my research on him. All the rumors that surrounded him are full of some serious badass tales of badassness. 

My group consisted of hipster/yuppie/preppy people that included some major bitchiness. Catfights and drama go hand in hand with these kids. He could possibly ruin my reputation.

And I worked damn hard for what I have. He looked as if he would crush all of he foundations I had set.

"I'm sorry. I got to go to class." I tried to gracefully decline. He grinned at me and I could of sworn I heard a sigh from every girl in that hallway. The Bully leaned into me, so close that I could feel his breath pushing my hair off of my shoulder and away from my ear.

I shivered at his closeness. I could bet every dollar in my name that I was envied by every female in that building at that point.

"I've got a proposition for you."  He whispered so only I would hear. I was beyond curious  and forgot about every person in the hallway except us by then.

I knew that I was really bad at making decisions. In my head I did a mental version of Eeny Meeny Miny Moe.

I leaned into him whispering, "Make it quick. I got a reputation to uphold." He leaned back, a wicked grin spreading across his lips. His fingers combed through his blonde locks and grabbed my hand with the other. He led me out of the hallway, weaving pass groups of loud students. "What's you name anyway?"

"Erin Costa," He turned his head towards me and winked.

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