at least we found a way!

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JUST A RECAP:the strawberries and chillies are not allowed to talk to each other so in order to be friends they have to find a way to contact each other.
Red strawberry:be warned young one,as if you talk to the chillies,there will be punishments,big punishments!
Strawberry:what is the deal with all of this any way? Why can't I talk to the chillies? Is there even a reason?
Red strawberry: yes, there is a reason, a good one to.
Strawberry:I'm listening....
Red strawberry: there was a really bad war between the fruits and vegetables....
Strawberry: go on....
Red strawberry:the war was mainly between the watermelons and eggplants but the chillies got involved so....we strawberries...did....
Strawberry: did what?
Red strawberry:snuck into there plant and cut all the chillies off...
Red strawberry: because the were attacking our plant first!!!
Strawberry:what happened to the chillies you cut of the plant??
Red strawberry:by the time the war ended it was to late.... They all turned brown and shrivelled up.....
Strawberry:oh my gosh... Why did that ever happen?
Red strawberry:we probably should have stayed out of it...
strawberry: I got to go process this....
Strawberry did not actually go to be alone to process that, instead she went to chilly to tell him why the older vegetables and fruits were fighting and telling them not to talk to each other and now chilly understands...
Chilly:why did this have to happen to us?
Strawberry:I don't know but what are we going to do? Dose this mean that we can't see each other any more???
Chilly:of course not!we just have to find a way that's all....
Strawberry:well we can either sneak around at night or we can just not talk to each other at all!?
Chilly:ok we will sneak around at night....


thx for reading my story! Make sure to stay tuned for more and by more I mean chapter three...but anyway thx for reading! Oh and a new chapter comes on
Friday,Saturday and Sunday. (I might write two on Saturday and Sunday)

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