Pleas come back

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Three hours later...
after chilly went missing the two clans combined to find him,the strawberries and the chillies are now working together to find chilly and hope that they can...
Red chillies:we can not thank you enough for helping us but Why are you helping us?
Red strawberries: because of what we did to your chillies when the war was going on between the watermelons and the eggplants... And we are really sorry about that by the way...
Red chillies:we forgive you now let's continue looking!
Strawberry:hey guys,have you found him yet?
Red chillies: no but we haven't looked over there yet...
while the chillies and strawberries look for chilly outside the fridge,they hear a light scream that said "help" so they go to wards it...
Strawberry:is that you chilly?
Chilly:yes it is, is that you strawberry?!
Strawberry:yes it is! Where are you?!!?!
Chilly:on the bench with the eggs! They think I'm on the lettuces side!
Strawberry:we're coming to get you! Just hang on!
2 minuets later when the clans get on the bench,they witness the eggs trying to make chilly into spicy curry!
Red chilly:go back to the fridge! Hurry up strawberries!
Red strawberry:we want to fight this war with you!
Red chilly:we can not let you get involved with this one.... We would not forgive ourselfs
If anything happened to you guys so just go back to the fridge!
Red strawberry:ok we will...good luck!...
So the strawberries go back to the fridge and wonder what will happen in the war and who would win...

                                                             CHAPTER  FOUR
Thx for reading again hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later bye!

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