Chappy I

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*written by Rasa*

Once upon a time, two people met in a certainly odd, yet very conspicuous place. One of them, a man with bright blue hair, looked at the other one, a woman with long purple hair.

"Apple sauce is nice to drip down your nipples!" he said, as his eyes were stuck on her toes.

"I've got to move on and be who I am, Deathchunks!" she shouted, as her eyes filled with tears.

The man, whose name was apparently Deathchunks (what a stupid name, I wonder who came up with it?), looked at the woman's toes one last time as his eyes met hers.

"Debra, please you don't have to do this!" Deathchunks shouted, "What we had was perfect!"

"Deathchunks, all you ever liked were my toes," Debra said, while putting on socks, "we never had anything between us."

Deathchunks looked at Debra's toes and was about to cry, but was suddenly hit by a sudden realization. He looked around and found out he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

"Uh Debra, why are we on a cliff?" the man asked, as he carefully looked over the edge.

"Why are you changing the subject- oh wow we actually are on a cliff how did that happen?"

"It's like someone placed us here on purpose, I swear we were just in Hell?"


A man in a devil's costume was walking around the tables, when he suddenly saw a couple of half-full glasses of blood. The man ran up to the table and stomped his foot.

"Seriously? They didn't even pay?"


"Uh, Deathchunks... Did you pay for our drinks?" Debra said with a suspicious look on her face.

"When I'm in public, I like to rip out bum hairs with tweezers." The man answered while shaking his head.

"Oh no... He's going to go after us." The woman said as she slowly backed away.

"What? Why would he go after us-" Deathchunks started saying as he heard an extremely high pitched voice behind him.

"Uh guys, I know we're friends and all, but I seriously don't earn enough to pay for every single thing you order." The man in a devil's costume said, while fixing his name tag, which read Tyrone.

"Oh, Tyrone, you're here," the woman said, getting even closer to the edge of the cliff, "how did you know we were here?"

"I just checked your teleport history. Duh." Tyrone told them, his voice getting even squeakier.

Debra looked at Deathchunks and Tyrone, smiled and walked of the cliff. Backwards.

"No, Debra!" Deathchunks screamed as he ran towards the edge and caught her by her hand, "how am I supposed to live without your toes?"

"Deathchunks, you know this story isn't about us, it's about the glowing bellies of doggos!" the woman managed to say, as her body kept swinging off the edge of the cliff.

"Yeah I know, but I left mine at home, with your sister Hatsjoe!"

"Are you going to keep talking or are you going to pay for you drinks?" Tyrone asked nervously, "If you die, I'll have to pay from my pocket and I don't want that."

"Yes Tyrone, Deathchunks will pay you back-" Debra started saying, but her words cut off as she looked behind Tyrone, her whole body still dangling off the edge of the cliff, "Is that.. April?" 

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