Four: Family Day

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Brett's POV

Sunlight pours into my room and I wake up, confused at where I am until I realise I'm at my new house, though I'm not sure if I can call it home yet.

Anna is still asleep next to me, curled up under the covers into a tiny ball. I think I will leave her for a while.

I take a quick shower and change into some jeans and a tight fitting ti shirt. Finally, I brush my teeth and go downstairs.

Adam, Logan, Steve and mum are all sat around the kitchen table eating toast and cereal.

"Morning darling," mum smiles at me.

"Don't call me that," I half grimace and half smile.

"You love it really. Are Louis and Anna still asleep?" Mum asks.

"Anna is and not sure about Louis," I reply and sit down to eat some toast.

"We thought we would do something as a family today, all together," Steve says to me.

"Whatever," I shortly reply.

We're not a family yet. Logan, Adam and Steve are a family, and me, Annie, Louis and mum are a family; Steve and mum are just trying to join us as one big happy family. But in reality, big, step families don't always end up as happy endings.

Mum frowns at me but says nothing.

Logan breaks the short silence, "so, where are we going? What are we doing?"

"Something fun," Adam smirks.

"Well, how about ice skating?" Mum smiles.

"Sure..." I roll my eyes.

"I would like to see you try it," Adam smirks at me.

I stand up, and glare at him, my fists clenched, "I'd like to see you fall."

"Brett, sit down and stop it!" Mum raises her voice.

"Adam, grow up," Steve shakes his head.

I finish my breakfast saying no more, Adam just really gets on my nerves! And I'm not a morning person.

"Morning," Louis yawns, walks in, oblivious to the tense atmosphere, but soon notices it. "What's happened?"

I glare at Adam and he glares at me.

"Brett go wake up Anna," Louis sighs, for once telling me what to do and I for once, obey. Only because I'm beyond angry at Adam.

I go upstairs two at a time and walk to my bedroom. I open the door and see little Annie still fast asleep; she does calm me down, even just seeing her keeps me cool and sane.

Yes, I'm hard on her at times, but that's because I love her, and she's had one terrible experience in her life, and I don't want her to get hurt again so I'm extremely protective of her, like Louis. She was only nine when that happened...

"Annie, wake up," I sit down where she's sleeping and peel her covers off her.

"Noo, go away," she moans, trying to hold onto the cover but I'm too quick and strong.

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