Seven: Anniversary

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TRIGGER : This chapter will be about the fathers death and his anniversary - including the visit to the grave yard. If you struggle with anything related with death (and I'm not judging, it's a horrible experience to go thru) - the advice is DO NOT READ.


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Anna & her Alphas - @Ellise91 and @Mayziii1

Picture: Anna when she was six and nine. (Mackenzie Foy)


Brett's POV

Fifteenth October 2012. Pronounced dead in the hospital at 20:03pm. These facts and dates are swimming around my heavy mind.

Today is the day. Four years ago, dad died at work in a freak accident. Anna saw everything...she was nine.

Me, Louis and mum were all at home... I remember the call, the drive to hospital. Seeing Anna crying, waiting on the hospital chair for us to come, outside dads room while they worked on him to try and save him. She had to travel in the ambulance with him... I remember her running up to us and she threw herself on me, but I was a wreck myself - only fourteen, but I held her. I tried to be strong, but who was I kidding? Poor mum had to try and be strong for all of us. She was.

We've learn't, (not Anna particularly) that time is a great healer. Mum has dealt better with this day each year, and now she has Steve. Likewise, me and Louis have had to grow up and become the men of the house, and protect and look after our little sister.

Anna on the other hand is still trying to cope with our fathers death. One reminder of dad can make her burst into tears. The problem is she can still remember every little detail about the night. I think that's the main issue - because she was there. We weren't, at least not until we rushed to hospital.

Mum has decided not to go back to the graveyard but Anna asked me and Louis a few days ago and we of course agreed. We'd do anything for her even though it may not always seem like it.


We have all just had supper. Mum and Steve are in the kitchen, Adam is at a mates house and Logan is in the games room - me and Louis are relaxing in the living room.

"You alright Anna?" I ask, as she comes in, looking particularly distressed.

"I was wond-wondering if we could...perhaps go back to visit daddy's grave, on you know, his anniversary," she asks.

Louis looks at me and we both nod, "yes of course Annie. We'll take you, we'd like to go see him as well," Louis opens his arms and Annie runs into them, sniffing.

"We'll go together, just us three on Saturday, okay pumpkin?" I reach over and squeeze Anna's cold hand.

"Thank you," she mumbles into Louis' chest and she falls asleep on him...

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