Chapter 1: The Coffee Shop

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"Hey. Can I get a medium drip, and a mocha latte?"

"Alright... That'll be $8.63."

Quinn took both of the steaming mugs, and sat across from her best friend, Brittany. They met when Brittany moved to New York to pursue her dancing career, while Quinn was just a lawyer. She always wished she'd had the guts to work in the arts.

But there she was, staring her best friend in the eyes just as she was about to tell her something she's been hiding for a while now.

Brittany looked up from her mocha to see Quinn staring at her. Did she have something in her hair? How long had she been looking at her...

"Quinn, what's up. You're being weird."

The awkwardness grew between the two of them. Quinn wasn't sure how Brittany would feel if she told her she was engaged to a known fuckboy. But she had to tell her. Brittany was most likely going to be her maid of honor. Quinn couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

"Britt.. Puck.. uh.. He proposed last night."

The taller blonde almost choked on her mocha.

"And? What.. What did you say?"

"I said... Yes, yes of course. I mean.. I do really, really care about him, so why would I say no?"

Brittany just gaped at her.

"And.. I was hoping you would be my maid my honor?" Quinn said nervously, sipping her coffee.

"Quinn.. As long as you think this is the right decision.. Then I'm happy for you."

"And.." Quinn said, starting to smile.

"And, I'll be your maid of honor."

"Oh my god! Britt!"

The girls discarded their drinks and jumped up to embrace one another in a warm hug.


"Bye Britt! Have fun at your dance rehearsal!"

"Okay, I doubt it, but I'll try."

Quinn started her walk home. It was so beautiful this time of year, and her apartment was only a few blocks away. Some people talk about New York City as it's overcrowded and full of trash, but Quinn never thought of it like that. All of the massive buildings surrounded the area made her feel so small. The plants and flowers lining the sidewalk bloomed with colors like everything usually does. Quinn picked a plump, rosy flower and placed in her hair, making her shine just as the city was (even though she already was gorgeous). Seeing all the people up and down the streets, however, was the best part of her walk. These people, who were complete strangers to her, made her understand that everyone is different and you should judge someone because of their appearance. In Quinn's eyes everything was beautiful.

[2 years prior]

Quinn got out of the elevator, box in hand, and took a deep breath. Quinn had just finished her first year of law school, and was able to move into a more grown up apartment, compared to the old shoebox she lived in her first year in the big city.

Excited to start her new life she practically skipped down the hallway, beaming. She was so overwhelmed with bliss that she didn't realize another resident also occupied the hallway, when she walked straight into her new neighbour.

"Wow, relax."

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't lookin..."

"Chill. You're the newbie moving into 4C right?"

"Yeah." Quinn smiled.

"Brittany Pierce." she said, sticking out her hand.

"Quinn.. Quinn Fabray." Quinn giggled, shaking hands with the opposing blonde.

"Well.. you should drop by sometime. I lived just down the hall, last to the right."



Brittany Pierce was a perky, young girl. She had recently moved to an apartment to pursue her career in dance. It was her passion. Most people didn't except Brittany to ever get a scholarship to any type of college. Brittany was the stereotypical dumb popular cheerleader with the blonde hair, that was her high school label. And man, has she proved her classmates wrong. Not only had she gotten into the college of her dreams, Juilliard School, but she has had so many great experiences in New York.


Quinn was in her new bedroom, putting her clothes on hangers, when she heard a knock on the door; she put down the turtleneck she was holding (her mother got it for her), and went to the door.

"Hey neighbour!"

"Brittany! Hi! What a surprise."

"I figured you'd be unpacking, and could use a little break." Brittany laughed, gesturing to the bottle of red she was holding.

Quinn eyes opened wide as she saw what was in Brittany's hand.

"Yes please! This is way more work than I thought." Quinn said, opening the door wider.

Brittany walked inside, and everything was how she expected it to be. Boxes, boxes, boxes. The only things that were taken out were a few simple wooden chairs, probably for Quinn to relax on. The rest just remained packed. Ignoring all of Quinn's belongings, Brittany noticed the bright blue walls and how much larger the place was than her own.

"Dude, this place is massive. I wish I could have gotten a deal like this when I first moved in." Quinn chuckled at Brittany's statement.

"It definitely was quite a steal." Quinn remarked, looking through her kitchen trying to find her wine glasses.

"So, what brought you to New York?"

"Well I've actually lived here my whole life, and I'm in my second year of law school."

"Wow! You're gonna be a lawyer? You must be smart."

"I'm not sure I'd say that.. Smart enough. Yes! I found them." Quinn clapped, triumphantly holding up two glasses.

"So what brought you to The Big Apple?" Quinn asked, pouring them both some wine.

"I'm a dance major at Juilliard."

"Wow! You know, in high school I always wanted to join the glee club, but my parents always told me to stick to the books, so.."

"I was in glee club in high school! The New Directions, McKinley High. We actually won nationals last year!"

"Oh my god, that's so cool!"

[present day]

Those were the good old days, Quinn thought, unlocking her door to the apartment she now shared with her boyfr.. Fiance.



Hey guys, so this a collaboration fanfic. Hi, I'm Paige @loserlikeme2009 , I'm very excited for this fanfic because I am hardcore Faberry trash. I hope you all enjoy too!

I'm Annika (@GleeAnnika) creative username huh? In the words of Paige, I am also hardcore Faberry trash. I hope you enjoy, and please bare with me. Unlike Paige, this is my first time writing fanfiction. Ahh! I'm a fanfic virgin XD 

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