Chapter 2: Running Out

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Last time: Those were the good old days, Quinn thought, unlocking her door to the apartment she now shared with her boyfr.. Fiance.


Quinn sighed and pushed open the door, walking into the apartment. It sure had changed in 2 short years.. She had changed. The bright periwinkle walls were now a deep gray, all of her cute urban furniture she bought at thrift stores were replaced with plain blocky articles. All of the art that hung on her walls were now taken down and sold.. You could say her apartment represented herself in such.

Brittany didn't know about Quinn's depression. Hell, not really anyone did; the only people who knew was Puck and her therapist. She hadn't even told her parents.

Puck walked out of the washroom with only a towel around his waist.

"Hey babe, you talk to Brittany?"



[2 years prior]

"Excuse me, sir?"

Quinn called over to the restaurant manager who was facing his back to her. She would always go out to eat, it was always fun trying new things that she didn't have to prepare herself. But today was a different day. The food didn't taste all that great. Quinn never had to talk to anyone important about these things, but it was seriously that bad that she needed to.

"What's the problem, ma'am?" The manager turned around, locking eyes with Quinn.

The name Noah Puckerman was written on his name tag. The eyes that were looking back at Quinn were a hazel color that were easy to get lost in. He seemed like a pretty attractive person, everything except for the mohawk on his head. Quinn ignored it, however, and told him about her predicament.

"My food is disgusting. What kind of chef has the nerve to cook so horribly; my father could cook better, and believe me, that's saying a lot."

"I'm sorry about that. I'll get you a new dish." The manager took her plate and swept into the kitchen. Quinn could hear yelling coming from the back which didn't make her feel that great, but at least she was getting her money's worth of food.

In about ten minutes, he came back with a platter that had steam rising from it.

"Here you go. I hope this is more appealing to you than the last." He went and placed the plate down at Quinn's table, pulling a chair out for her to sit down at.

"Why thank you... Noah." She replied to his kindness.

"Puck, just call me Puck."

"Okay then, Puck, it was nice of you to do all of this for me. I will definitely be a regular from now on if you're the manager!" Quinn gave him a subtle wink and began to eat her food.


[present day]

"What's the matter?" Puck questioned, seeing the look on Quinn's face.

Quinn took a long pause, then shook her head.

"Everything's fine babe."

"Quinn you can tell me, we're getting married, remember?"

"Noah, I said I'm fine."

"Well you're obviously not, cause you're calling me Noah."

"What do you want from me? Puck, what is it!"

"I just want you to talk to me! I know you're unhappy, I'm just trying to help!"

"I don't need your help!" Quinn screamed, racing out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her. She bolted for the elevator, relieved to see it was empty. Tears pouring down her cheeks, she gasped for air, balancing herself up against the elevator wall. The doors opened, revealing her lobby, she could see it was almost pitch black outside through the glass.

Quinn was now sobbing, the heavy streams blinding her. She collapsed up against the door, and turned to lock, stumbling out into the abyss.

Quinn you're not thinking straight, just go upstairs, her mind wailed. Quinn couldn't be bothered, running into the street, dodging cars left and right. She fell to her knees into the middle of the road, she couldn't go any further. Suddenly, she heard blaring horns; she turned her head.. SMACK! Then everything went black.


Oooh, cliffhanger :) what do you think is gonna happen next?? You'll just have to wait until the next chapter to see!

Paige & Annika <3

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