Chapter 3: Waking Up

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As soon as Quinn woke up she started to scan the room. She wasn't in her apartment and she started to freak out, but slowly realized she was in a hospital. Reality dawned on her and she remembered the events of the previous night. Quinn looked down and noticed she was in a hospital gown with a thick plaster cast around her legs. This made her even more confused. Suddenly, one of the nurses came to see her.

The woman wore the typical nurse attire, pale blue scrubs paired with a stethoscope around her neck. Quinn read the name tag the nurse was wearing, Santana Lopez. She had shiny, dark hair and deep brown eyes. Her skin glowed with a perfect tan, showing she most likely had some Latino descent. In Quinn's eyes, she was a gorgeous lady. That made Quinn wonder if she had anyone special in her life. She pushed that thought aside and decided to focus on what was serious at the moment.

"Who are you?" Quinn spat out, panicked.

"Relax, I'm your nurse. Do you remember anything?"

"I was in a car accident last night.. I think."

"Well, you were hit. Basically the same thing. And it was actually only about an hour ago"

"What's wrong with my legs?"

"Stand up."

Quinn tried to stand and quickly realized that she couldn't.

"That's what's wrong with your legs."

"Will they even work again!?"

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down. You broke your left tibia, which is the bone in your shin, and then you severely damaged the tendons in your right ankle, along with fracturing the patella, your kneecap. Your injuries are definitely severe, but nothing permanent. You'll be in a wheelchair for quite a while, and then we can upgrade you to a boot. Along with physical therapy, you have very good odds of making a full recovery."

Quinn just sat and nodded, not really hearing much, only "broke" "damaged" "fractured" "wheelchair" and "therapy".

All of a sudden there was a swarm of doctors outside of the door, rushing down the hall.

Quinn propped herself up on her elbows to get a better look.

"What happening out there?" Quinn asked, her voice filled with concern.

Santana turned to take a look.

"Oh, that's the girl that hit you. Rachel.. Berry, that's it! Rachel Berry."

"Oh my god! What happened to her?!"

"From what I know, pulmonary contusion, a rip in lung tissue from a broken rib."

"Uh-huh. But why are they rushing her around?"

"The rip in her lung tissue is causing her lungs to fill with blood, so she's drowning."

"Oh my god! Is she gonna die!?"

"Quinn, you have to stop worrying. We have a very good staff here, she's gonna be fine."

Quinn realized she was almost hyperventilating. She took a deep breath.


"I have other patients I have to go and see, but I will definitely come and visit you later. Just calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise."

Santana opened the door and slipped down the hallway. Quinn had the urge to get up. Go talk more with the nurse. Go explore the large hospital. Go meet the girl who had crashed her car into Quinn. And then she remembered, I'm not able to do that anymore. Walk. And I probably won't be able to use my legs for a long time.


Oh no! Rachel :( As for Quinn, you better have liked this chapter. Do you know how much I had to research leg injuries?? XD Love you <3

But also l (Paige) had to do a lot of research on lung injuries. So you better appreciate the hard work we went through. But I love you guys also. Hope you enjoyed!

          -  Paige & Annika <3

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