She's a Dixon - Chapter 34 Epilogue

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I never knew why I doubted myself, Rick and Daryl before. They were completely right. Everything they both told me the night we came back to find our group missing was true. We were able to reform what was left and live off of that. It has been two years now since we escaped my parents' camp. Ever since that last night there, none of us have seen them anywhere.

We never did find our group though. I spent many months looking everywhere I could for them, but I never came any close to finding them. As much as I didn't want to give up searching for them, after awhile I knew that they were gone for good and I needed to focus on Daryl and Rick. I just hope that they are all okay and living well somewhere in this horrible world.

The next day after returning to our community, we strengthened the walls around one of the houses. We built the highest and strongest walls that we have ever done and I am proud of the work we have done, knowing that we will always be safe.

We did run into other groups every now and then but Rick, Daryl and I were very cautious about outsiders. We never did bring anyone else, mainly because of trust issues but also because we had very little to offer to others. When we rebuilt our living space, we were only thinking about us. We didn't see a future with other people in it. That's what we learned to live by after all that we went through, and it worked very well for us.

It did get quite lonely without anyone else around, but Daryl and Rick became very good at easing the pain of loneliness. They are both amazing people and I couldn't think of anyone better to have with me in such an unfortunate situation like this.

My relationship with Daryl developed deeply. I love him with all my heart and I'm happy to be with him. With time, he became more loving and affectionate with me, which I appreciate greatly and never take for granted. Though we really can't get married, I did take his last name. I am now Julie Dixon.

Though life was very difficult in the beginning, it really began looking up for the three of us in the end. I don't think I could be any happier in a world like this.

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