Chapter 2 (Ten Years )

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After ten years... they finally reunite and everything's changed... (BTW Key's fifteen Jonghyun is sixteen)

Kibum walks out of the airport and to the streets of Korea and breathes in the fresh air. He exhales happily. "Home sweet home!" Then he starts to hear screaming and squeals and when he looks in the direction of the sounds he sees fans. "Oh shit!" He starts to run in the opposite direction and get's picked up by his manager. "Being famous sucks sometimes." he grumbles. "Yah! Drop me off here."

"Are you sure Key?"

"Of course I'm sure," Kibum says putting on a face mask and sunglasses. "This was one of my favorite places as a kid."


The car pulls to the curb and Kibum gets out and goes into the little coffee shop.

Jonghyun was doing his homework on his laptop in a small coffee shop close to his school when girls started to squeal. Jonghyun, as his curiosity got the best of him, looked up to see some big hit idol walk in and order something. Jonghyun rolls his eyes and returns his attention to his homework. 'Aish! Why does it have to be that arrogant idol of all idols?'

"May I sit here?" Kibum asks Jonghyun.

Jonghyun looks up at him blank and doesn't say a word. Not like he does. He hasn't spoken a single word for ten years now. He really misses his best friend.

"Kibum wait!" Jonghyun had his dad find the flight to America and figure out when it was leaving so he could say goodbye before he left.


"I didn't want you leaving thinking I hate you. I was just upset. Promise we'll meet again."

Kibum smiled and wiped his tears. "Of course I promise you dummy dino!"

"Take this," Jonghyun gave Kibum a pretty necklace. "So you don't forget me."

Kibum hugged Jonghyun and said goodbye and left a waving Jonghyun behind.

"Yah! Answer me!" Kibum demanded.

Jonghyun simply nods and Kibum takes a seat.

"Jeez, don't you know I'm the Almighty King I mean Key?" Kibum grumbles.

"You're just an arrogant, stuck up, ignorant K-pop idol and-" when Kibum takes off his jacket he sees the necklace he gave his Kibum, "Where'd you get this necklace?!"

Jonghyun grabs the necklace and takes it off Kibum which in turn really made Kibum even more mad.

"Yah! Give that back! That's not  yours! And I promised a friend I wouldn't lose it! So give it back!"

When Jonghyun didn't give it back Kibum bounced on Jonghyun trying to take the necklace.

"No! Because this isn't your's! This is my best friend's necklace! I gave it to him!"

"Let go of my hair and give me the necklace! Now!"

Realization hit both boys and they froze; Jonghyun under Kibum with a fistful of his hair, Kibum on top of Jonghyun with a fistful of Jonghyung's shirt and ready to punch him.


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