Chapter 4

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Jonghyun sat outside waiting for Kibum and the others to come out. He is still mad at the director. 'How dare he talk to Kibum like that! Doesn't he know that Kibum is sensitive!? But man he's changed. He's more bold. Daring even. But still! He is still sensitive. Obviously. He blew up in some slut's face for calling me a weird mute freak. I'm glad he's back.' As the boys come out another boy from Jonghyun's school, who loves to pick on  Jonghyun, walks up with another idol, Kibum's second best friend.

"Hey Kai."

"Hey guys. What's up with the mute?"

"He's not mute! He's actually quite talkative. Can talk your ear off." Kibum says rolling his eyes and smirks. 

Kibum walks over to Woohyung and clings to him.  "Woohyung! Where have you been?"

"Uh Kibum, what are-"

Jonghyun stands up and starts to walk away. 'Doesn't he know that I like him?'

"Yah! Stupid dino! Where are you going?" Kibum yells. "Yah! Jonghyun! JONGHYUN!? KIM JONGHYUN!" Angry, Kibum smacks Jonghyun upside the head to get his attention, which worked. "What is your deal huh? We haven't seen each other in ten years and you haven't even asked if my parents are good or how I've been! And now you're running away! You know maybe my  cousin was right, you and your brother are stuck up rich snobs."

As Kibum started to walk away Jonghyun grabs Kibum's hand and starts to run. Woohyun, Kai, and SHINee (SHINee is only a four person group for now) running after them shouting at Jonghyun. When Jonghyun stops it's at their old meeting spot.

"You're name has been all over for a month and I know you've been here at least once in that month! We promised to meet here! So for ten years everyday after school I'd come here and wait! In this last month where have you been!? I've looked like an idiot sitting here waiting for you! Did that promise mean nothing to you?!" Jonghyun demanded.

The look on Key's face was pure hurt. "That promise meant everything to me. But after I heard the park closed down a year ago I didn't think you'd come. So I asked everyone I knew who went to school here if they knew where I could find you but none of them even knew your name. So this last month was the hardest because I was so close yet so far away."


"Kibum come on. Bring your friend, lets go."


Key runs over to Woohyung and hugs him while they walk towards the dorm. Jonghyun trails behind glaring daggers into Woohyung. That should be him, not Woohyung. He sighs. He wishes he never let go of him.

When they all get back to the dorm Key snuggles into Woohyung while Minho holds Onew and Taemin sits in Kai's lap. Jonghyun stares at Key with big round puppy eyes.

 Jonghyun stares at Key with big round puppy eyes

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Key looks at Jonghyun with a smirk. He knows that Jonghyun is wanting him. So bad. He can see it Jonghyun's pouty eyes. Key was loving it. Woohyung tightens his grip around Key's waist to add on to Jonghyun's jealousy. Which was working. 

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