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I finished packing my stuffs for our group holiday in new york .

while packing suddenly I found back my necklace that I lost it for many weeks ago .

I look deeply to the necklace , its still look beautiful and shiny .. I remember the time that jimin buy this for me for like an expansive price and he also write s+j at the back .

but I refuse to wear it , I keep it in my bag and continued packing . sometimes whenever i think about it back my feeling will be twisted .

I don't know how to choose , between get back and move on .

love life is so hard :')


after we arrive in the airplane , I fell asleep because of tiredness and I'm a heavy sleep person so I easily get sleep where ever I am .

suddenly a image appear in my thought . its a image of jimin get kicked and was going to be killed and I'm there just watching him .

I screamed his name and asking to let him go buy they just laugh .

' let him go'

' yahhh '

" yahh "

" arghhh " I screamed that made everyone looked at me .

irene who is sitting beside me get shocked and worried all of sudden .

" are you okay ? you're sweating .. are you having a bad dream ? " she asked many question .

I looked left and right searching for some water because my troth is hurt j can't even talk .

" bul (water) " I said with a cracked voice .

" here " she gives me some water .


No one POV

" I dreamt about jimin irene .. " she said with a hurtful tone while wiping her sweat .

" j-jimin ? what happen ? " irene asked worriedly .

" I saw him getting killed .. "

" I'm scared "

" I can't forget him " she explained .

" you should forget him , don't think to much okay .. do whatever it tales to forget him ." irene said.

" I will "

suddenly something make her remember , her necklace .

ever since she didn't wore it , something keep haunting her . the necklace was like the protector all the time .

when she found it , she wore it and feel save .

jimin used once said to her ,

" this necklace , promise me don't ever open it because this necklace will remind you its me , its kinda like me but smaller and it will protect you I promise "

" promise me okay ? I will come back "

" okay jimin "

but we both already broke our own promise .

after she wear it , everything turns out fine and now she promise herself to wear it and the necklace is her protector not of reminding its jimin .

because she wanted to move on :)


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