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the news seemed to be released in korea and seulgi's entertainment seems to be having a good news . soon the entertainment will have lots of shows and more fans will come .

fans were also glad for her happiness and rumored about she's was stressed was all gone and all people can see on her face is only happiness left .

otherwise on the other side , jimin was broken . he didn't know that she will found a replacement so quick .

He then quickly looked at his last massage that is ' ily ' and it seems like there's no even "seen" on that passage and on her profile , it was written she was on for a minutes ago .

means she was on mute for that chat with him. after he realised , he was fully broken . maybe its true she have been moved on because of jimin that fooled around with her heart .

the thing that jimin thought is only her , seulgi ..

he still love her but she is officially with another man now ..

Seulgi POV

After that scene , I was very happy . its such an unforgettable moment when the person you fell for is actually liking you too without letting you know and then suddenly confessed . its such an amazing moment for me ..

" um seulgi , aren't you cold ? " hansol asked me while we're sitting on the sand right in front of the sea .

" yea , its kinda cold but I'm so warm inside " I said .

" warm inside ? " he asked then I looked at him directly .

" warm .. in my heart " I exclaimed them smiled at him and enjoying the night view sea .

the cold breeze is really refreshing that made me wanna close my eyes and enjoy it.

" me too .. " he then suddenly spoke .

" thank you seulgi " he added .

" why ? " I ask .

" because you accept me , you accept my love .. I never thought that you'll accept me because I'm just a normal guy that fell in love with a perfection like you " he said .

" don't say that .. nobody is perfect hansol .. I love you like the way you are .. I love you because you are yourself that's matter .. " I exclaimed .
he then turn a stare to a warm hug .

" I love you too hehe " he said while giggling .

I turn and hug him back . " ahh its so warm .. let's hug until we reach the car .. I'm frozen here " I said .

" hahah you lied about you're not cold , you're freaking cold hahahah let's go " he said then I laugh .

" arrasso " I said then we head to the car to go home .


After arriving to my hotel , I straight went to my room to freshen up myself by getting a hot shower because its really cold tonight ..

when I was about to went in , I thought my members were all asleep but turns out they were screaming at me like a fan ..

" yahh !! "

" what have you done seulgi unnie !! "

" ahhhh "

" Yah Stop stop , what the heck .. why .. stop screaming don't you know there's a lot people staying Here " I said .

then they gone " oh im so sorry haha "
" unnie why don't you tell that hansol purpose you ??!! " the youngest asked

" wait - how .. "

" here " joy said then passed me her phone .

I sighed . " ahh seems like I'm gonna be hot " I said then laugh playfully

" I'm jealous " Wendy said .

" waeee ? go outside and get lost later a man will help you and bom that's your man " I said playfully and she hit me .

" you're lucky enough he is a good guy hahah " she said .

" and you're also lucky that manager unnie approves your relationship and you guys are going to be in tv together soon omg im jealous " Irene said .

" hahahah really ? if that's so I need to tell hansol about that " I said .

" why don't you call him oppa instead of hansol ? " yeri said .

" stop begin so clingy youngest .. I'm going to have a shower .. go to sleep gust its already late " I said then they all went to sleep .


after having a long hot shower . I went out and wear my pajamas then went to my phone and check my massage . and massage hansol about the TV thingi ..

seulbear : oppa ..

omg .. what did I .. * curses * this is all yeri's fault aigoo look what I'm into now . I thought

" um what should I do .. is delete useful .. Ah let's try hmm-"

hànsøl : yae jagiya ..  

( author: screaming * )

I was about to delete then he .. I froze.
Oh my god what have I into to ..

seulbear : my manager said that there's an reality show about couple and I'm not sure about it and we're picked .. And yeah we are hot in Korea now .. aigoo ottoke ?

hànsøl : for our sake , anything I'll do

seulbear : geez ahhah stop begin cheesy .. if that's so alright I'm going to sleep now

hànsøl : wait

seulbear : what ?

// rings // // hànsøl is calling // // video call //

suddenly I suspended . I'm not wearing makeup heol up there .

I ran to my table and wears my glasses and swap my phone to the green button .

// in call //

" waeyo hansol-shii " I said .

" aikk , just now you call me oppa .. hahah " he tease

" umm that I - "

" its okay .. you can call me anything its okay "

" okay oppa hahah " not again ..

" why do you call me ? " I ask .

" I actually wanted to sing a song that I always prepared .. it was actually played just now but you're so cold that made me worry so I can't do it " he said . then I chuckles .

" hahaha okay go on .. " I said

then I can saw he is grabbing his guitar and start to plays a melody that I haven't heard yet and yet its so goood ..

then he started to sing . I silently hit the screen record .. because this might be the only chance to hear him sing .

" that's why I lovee you ~ " he ends with and deeply words .

" aww that's is so precious " I exclaimed .

he then rub his nape . " thank you .. I think you better go to sleep now .. its kinda late .. tomorrow we can still meet so sweet dreams ! saranghae ~ " he said.

" saranghae !! sweet dreams too ~ Arraso " then I send him a flying kiss before ending the call .

ahh I'm so happy .. then I went to sleep happily .


no one pov

Its 1 am in korea and jimin can't get to sleep .. he was worried about so much things and he thinks that he should move on but can he ?

To be continued

( 22/8 - Made )

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