6- Answer.

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Lucy's POV

When I finally reached the rooftop, I didn't shed a tear, instead I started thinking about the girls, I felt really sad that they are worried about me and felt ashamed for not being able to tell them, I wanted to tell them everything, I wanted them to save me, I still want them to save me, but I am too scared, scared of what my father will do, scared of the way they will react, scared of what they are going to say, it hunts me, theses scares leads to my huge anxiety.

I kept on thinking and thinking until a picture of a pink-haired guy came by.

"Oh, that guy, did I know his name yet?" I asked myself as I started thinking but then I realised something, he would never do that would he. . .?

"Who am I kidding, he would never tell me his name, ha." I said, ending it with a sad smile.

"Its Natsu." Someone said.

'Wait, I know that voice!' I thought to myself.

I looked behind me to see that guy standing right next to me, his shadow was covering my whole body, I stared at him in a shock until something came to my mind, why was he here? Oh, wait. . . he heard me!

"You!" I shouted while pointing my right index finger at him in a shock.

"So you remember me?" He said as he sat right next to me, giving me a smile, I didn't know what to do or how to react so I stayed frozen for a second.

"Ye-yeah, I guess." I finally said, smiling but tried to hide my face so he doesn't notice.

"You can call me Natsu if you want." He said, looking straight at the sky while the same smile still on his face not fading away.

"Oh, OK Na-Natsu. . . My name is--" I was about to tell him my name but he cut me off.

"Lucy, I know it!" He exclaimed in excitement giving me a huge grin.

"Wha--! You know my name?!" I asked in a shock wondering how could he know my name like that, I mean, we just met in a middle of a fight and I ran without giving him a single word, well, I apologised to him but did not even know why I did that so it was like nothing.

"Yes!" He said, not minding that it's super weird to know someone's name without asking them. . .

"H-how?" I asked as a slight blush ran to my cheeks.

"Erza told me." He said, giving me a grin but not as big as the last one.

"E-Erza? You--you know her?" I asked in a shaking voice.

"Yeah! She is like my big sister, even though, she's quite scary sometimes. . ." He said, I could tell he was sweatdropping by mentioning her, I gave him a chuckle and he noticed, then looked at me in anger, he looked funny in my opinion which made me howl in laughter.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" He scowled.

"Ha ha! Sorry. . . !" I said as I started laughing at the way he was scowling, he was looking like a little mad kid I just could not control myself.

"Don't say sorry when you're still laughing!" He said as he started to cringe his face in anger, no, madness!

"OK OK now I'm done." I said, wiping the tear-of-luaghter away, this time I was serious, I then continued "so, you know Erza huh? When did you meet her?" I asked.

"When you ran away she met me and asked if I saw you and I said yes, then we started looking for you." He said.

"Oh is that so. . . Wait what?! Why did you follow them?" I asked, for some reason I felt warm inside knowing that someone cared about me and wasted thier time to search for me.

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