30- Helper.

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Mira's POV

I widened my eyes as I heard my second name, not to mention from Erza herself. I never told anybody my name, never told them my past. It was never that easy either. Then, how did she know?

I was speechless to say a word at first, but once words came to my mind I started parting my trembling lips to say something, "E-Erza what d-did you just s-say?" I said, huffing every word out, struggling to even think anymore. My second name was my biggest secret; my past that I kept, and one of my closest friends, a sister to me, knew about it.

"Mirajane Strauss." She stated, pointing out at every single letter. This name gave me the shudders. It petrified me. Strauss, the true meaning of horror. This horrible past that was always connected to this name; I hated everything about it, hated hearing it, writing it, even just pronouncing it, and Erza just said it like it was nothing. I felt like my heart skipped a beat just thinking about it.

"Erza, don't you dare saying that name ever again!!" I protested in anger, almost too loud that could make the girls wake up. I was too angry that I didn't even realize it; Erza, however, was staying still; same expression and everything. For the first time, I was scared of Erza, no, let me correct myself, I was worried; worried from her actions, what was she really planning on doing?

"Mira, just tell me, who are you really?" She asked. Her voice lowered as she finished the sentence. I looked at her with perplexity, what did she mean by that?

"Erza, what are you talking about?" I asked out of curiosity, while also trying to just avoid answering it.

"Mirajane Strauss is you, no?" She asked.

"E-Erza. . ." I was lost in words again.

"That's really you Mira, right?" Her voice was different this time; it started to crack. I looked at her, trying not to shed a tear.

"You're Mr. Elfman's sister, right?!!" She cried out; tears fell down. I didn't know why did she cry, what was about it to make her cry? I should be the one  crying, right?

"Erza. . ." Erza's name was the only thing on my mind so far.

"That was your secret Mira? The thing you kept away from us for seven years?" She asked and I didn't know what to do, should I nod and say yes? Or just ignore it?

The fact that she already knew made me feel like keeping this a secret was worthless, so I nodded slowly. My head was too weak to even move; I struggled to just move my head up and down, trying my best to hold myself together from breaking down and crying. Her facial expression was something that I couldn't explain; it was too painful to see it. She had a blank face and nothing else. It pretty surprised at my answer indeed.

After a few seconds or that's how it felt, she finally said something, not really enough though. She was struggling to say something, basically. A few letters escaped her lips, but it was still not clear enough for me to understand. The words she got out were unclear. After the struggle of getting to know what she wanted to say, she gave up and stopped talking completely.

"Erza. . . It was hard to keep it. . ." I said with shaking, scared voice.

"I kept it a secret, I couldn't tell anyone."

"Why?" She asked while looking at me as she was wiping the tears that were constantly running down to her chin.

"B-. . . Because. . ." I struggled to say it, just thinking about it hurt like heck.

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