The ride

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I got into the back of the van with a few others. I was immediately hugged my my best friends. "GUYS. HOW DID YOU! WHY DID YOU! YOURE THE BEST!" I screamed as they gave me a gigantic group hug. Carol has been there for me forever, same with Sammy. They're really the best.

There's 4 of them. My best friends, all made it to the van. Then I remember Marcus. My own brother. He was dead. I look over to see Lucas crying terribly being comforted my his girlfriend Pheobe. I don't see Marcus's girl, laylee. I wondered what happened to her when Darius said," Cyrus, check it, go right, then pull into the cave. I go there all the time. Small barrier so bill shouldn't be able to get in." Cyrus nodded and turned right down a road into the Forrest.

"What the hell is happening guys. How did Bill get into the barrier?" I asked in confusion.  "Well, we THOUGHT Connor was dead, but he and the boys were ok, just being hypnotized or whatever." Cyrus said calmly.

I looked over at my friends, George had a fairly large and deep cut oozing blood on her arm. "George, you need to cover that or something" I told her. She looked to it, then healed herself. Oh right... George has healing powers, Sammy was like, some kind of water ended or whatever, Angela a demon, and carol a "stretcher". Basically she could stretch out farther than you'd belive.

Suddenly, Cyrus pulled into the cave and we all got out. That's when I realized who was in the secret compartment of the van. Matt, Nash, JJ, Jack, Carter, and- "OMG THANK GOD YOURE ALIVE" I ran into my boyfriend Hayes arms. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" I sobbed into his chest.

"I'm right here... I'm right here"
He said stroking my hair.

He looked over at Nash, who nodded. They were brothers so they had like their own secret code or whatever. I'll crack it one of these days.

We entered the cave and began setting up a small camp, Darius said we should stay here but only for a short time. I agreed. Then,

That was my phone. (I know it's the apocalypse, but they got phones. Don't hate.)

It was a text from Hayes.

Hayes❤️: hey, there's a boss waterfall in the cave. Bring Laylee too.

Laylee? As in Marcus's girlfriend? She wasn't in the van! And why would he want he- then I realized.

This was Marcus' code.

Welp you gotta have some of them. Anyways, Ryan has a relationship!!! Who knew! Also comment if you recognize some of these names. I fangirl about a lot of them😂😂😂

Drama comin soon!!! IM BRINGIN THE HEAT!

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