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Lorraine dropped the cup of tea in her hands, yelling when the hot liquid stung her hands. "Shit!" She screamed, earning the attention of various campers around her. Jason winced. Perhaps scaring her was not as wise of a decision as he thought in his head.

"Grace!" She said, dead serious. She swiveled around, her eyes narrowed. "You are an actual asshole." Jason's lips twitched, wanting to smile, but he knew that would lead to bodily harm. After five seconds of Lorraine painting heavily and trying to burn holes with her eyes in Jason's shirt, Jason gave up and grinned.

"What?" She spat.

"Nothing." He said, trying to hide his smile.

"What?" Lorraine repeated, exasperated.

"No, it's just- it's just.." He paused, looking for the right words. "The way you say ❛shit❜ and ❛asshole❜," he smiled again.

"What about it?" Lorraine mumbled, crossing her arms. She was still slightly pissed off about that cup she dropped. It was her favorite.

"It's cute." Jason blurted. He wanted to slap himself right then. He didn't understand what his deal was with saying stuff without thinking. He usually processed everything in his head before letting it leave his lips. A filter, for stupidity, he had thought. But still, everything he said remained genuine, and even more so when Lorraine, filter or none.
Lorraine tried to hide her blush. It's the tea, she tried to tell herself. It's hot. But she couldn't hide the nagging voice in her head, repeating he thinks I'm cute!

Aloud, she said, "It's not."

"It is." Jason argued. "It's like, a little accent kicks in when you say it. Like, it's not actually the word 'shit', it sounds more like 'shi-yat'. And when you say asshole, it's more 'ass-hale'." He explained. Lorraine's eyebrows furrowed.

"So?" She muttered.

"So nothing." Jason shrugged. "Just saying."

"Oh." Lorraine kissed her teeth. "Well, you owe me a new mug."

"I'll buy you a new mug." He promised. "When I get the chance."

"But not just any mug, it has to have the little kittens in their coffee mugs too." She explained, her eyes brightening a little. Jason smirked, slightly amused.

"So the cats in the cups?" He teased.

"No!" Lorraine exclaimed, her voice cracking. "Kittens in mugs! They're different!" She shrieked. Jason let out a small 'woah' and covered her mouth with his hand, smiling weakly at people passing by.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Kittens in mugs." He said slowly. "Just please, chill out."
Lorraine smiled against his hand. She didn't know why she was so happy for a cup, but something in her knew it might have done something to do with her being so close against Jason's chest. (It was very toned, by the way.)
Shaking the thought off, she rolled her eyes.

"Ow!" Jason shouted, releasing Lorraine. "You-You bit me?" Lorraine nodded.

"Okay, why?!" Jason exclaimed.

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