Chapter 5 resistance is useless

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this morning i awoke to, no not the sound of an untuned guitar, but to the nails-on-a-chalk-board sound of my alram.  my hair was a mangled mess.  so i had no choice but to straighten it pin straight.  i shimmied into my black skinnies and tuged on, yet another black, band shirt with the neck and shoulder area cut out, again leaving my neon yellow sports bra that hugged my neck visible to the naked eye. 

checking myself once over before i went down stairs, just incase the band was down there again.  and to my surprise they were.  i scanned the room for Jordan, but he wasn't there.  oh well, not like i care or anything.

"Wouldn't you guys rather sleep in on your days off?"  i asked, knowing i would like to. 

"We're not on vacation.  we'er rehursing."  Charlie gestured to the rest of the band

"You don't look like you're rehursing."  i looked around, acting as if i hadnt noticed Jordan's absence.  "And besides, don't you kinda sorta need jordan to do that?"

Charlie looked defeated, "yeah, he's over in Fort wayne today."  Fort wayne was one twon over.  "he's with his family, then he's going to indianappolis to record so new vocals.  He won't be here today."

deryck and Andy checked my reaction carefully.  i diddnt let it phase me.  they looked dissapointed as i glanced over my shoulder when i walked to my car.

i put the key in the ignition and turned it, nothing.  thinking it was human error, i tried again, nada.  well, 3rd times the charm, nope.  Great, my car's broken.

i ran back in the house.  "Char-Char!" i moaned.  "My Car won't start!"

we looked at me, "tough beans Ari, i can't take you, we're busy.  take the bus."

"the bus already passed."

"why diddnt you wake up early enough?"  he asked like it was my fault.

"im sorry if i diddnt plan on my car breaking."  i was going to continue on but Charlie gave me that look that says please, just figure it out, im busy!   "fine i guess ill walk.  but im blaming my tardy on you!" 


i'm tired, my feet hurt and i feel like im going to slap someone.  and i still had to walk a mile and a half home!  great, just great, Charlie better take me to get my car fixed tonight.

and on top of all that, all day i couldn't stop thinking about jordan and last night and what andy said.  and i came to the conclusion, he doesnt like me unless he tells me himself.  and knowing he was gone today gave me hope.  this gave me time to clear my head, and figure out my exact feelings.

finanlly, the final bell rings and im FREE.  well, after my mile and a half walk i am. 

i walk out the front doors, only to find a black BMW parked in the pickup/drop off lane.  why is this so special you ask?  because leaning on the passenger door was a farmilliar 5'7 maybe 5'8 man.  Jordan to be exact.  my jaw dropped.  i could tell he was pleased with my reaction.

"You like the car?"  he said with a cute boy-ish smile.

"i thought you were in indianappolis all day today?  why are you here?"

"well, i was.  i left your house yesterday to go there so i could start working on it early, thinking i needed a lot of time.  but i finished around 10am and i rushed back here."  he said, pleased with himself. 

"thats great, but why are you here?  at my school?" 

he put his hand on my shoulder and half smiled.  "Well why should you walk home, when i can drive you?"

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