
319 18 3

1am Drabble again my lovelies. BUT I UPDATED TWICE IN ONE DAY WHAT THE HECK.
you know the mirror of erised in Harry Potter?
(If not,, it's a mirror that shows you what you most desire.)
this is so short
So yeah that's what this is?!

Enjoy, love Aly xx


We're moving out today. We're packing all the last things up. I don't want to go. But we have to. It's too expensive. Plus, I feel like I'm kind of cock blocking Caspar? Maybe that's the real reason he wanted to move out.

Maybe I wasn't good enough for him.

I could understand that.

I probably make him look bad.

Maybe that's why he wants to move out.

He's scared to bring girls home because I'm here.

Well it's not like I would take them?

I'm gay.

Maybe that's why he wants to move out.

Because I'm a homosexual.

Sorry, can't help it.

And Caspar wasn't homophobic.

I'm reading too much into this.

"Joe, are you okay? You completely stopped packing?" Caspars concerned voice interrupted by thoughts.

"Yeah I'm good, I'll be right back."

I walked past Caspars tall frame and pulled down the ladder that lead to the attic.

I tried to do it quietly but to no avail. It made a loud creaking noise and I looked around to see if Caspar had noticed. I didn't want him to follow me, I just wanted to be along for awhile.

No one had come running over, or even paid any attention to the noise, so I climbed up slowly and shut the trapdoor behind me, quietly this time.

As i looked around my old safe haven, I ran my fingers along the walls.

This was the place I used to go whenever I felt sad, stressed or anxious.

Well that is, when Caspar wasn't there.

I saw the bloodstains on the floor, reminding me of my all time low around a year ago.

I knew where that blood came from, and it disgusted me to eve think I could do that to myself.

I kept walking and dragging my fingers across the wooden walls, until I felt a slight crease. I back tracked a few steps and discovered a line in the wall, it traveled all away around itself. Making a box shape.

I decided to push on the strange box in the wall, and it turned around, revealing a mirror on the other side.

"The Mirror of Erised." The label on the top of the mirror read.

I looked into it curiously and jumped back when I didn't see my reflection follow me, but instead of running away, I felt intruiged and sat down in front of it.

Jaspar Oneshots ;)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя