Shouts and What-not

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Hey guys!! Pretty soon, me and Flutternya are going to have a Youtube channel together and it will be all about anime, manga, and of course craziness!! So make sure to check it out and also....SHOUT OUT TO ALL OF MAH FOLLOWERS AND MY FAVORITE YOUTUBERS!!! I am crazy so i had to do it. All about me.....I LOVE ANIME!!! AND ROCK AND ROLL!! The show Diabolik Lovers made me mad and happy at the same time because Yui is stupid. I asked Flutter, "If you had one piece of advice to give to Yui, what would it be?" You know what she said? "Run, woman! Run!" I cant help mah feelings. Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, and Attack on Titan made me cry so i dont watch it like im supposed to. Yes, Inuyasha is my brother! No, I am not going to give any clues on how to find him so your loss!! Jk..  I luv you all and i thank you for reading The Sister Location! Please stay tuned!! Luv y'all!! Bye!!

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