Reunion or so you thought...

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Up above, Freddy is seen peering into the hole with a frown on his face. 'What am I going to do?' 'Mangle fell down there too and I really want to save her, but....' That's when Freddy snapped. "I LOVE MANGLE!!" He yelled and jumped into the hole. "I'M COMING DARLING!!" When he landed, he saw Foxy and Mangle, collapsed on the floor. He ran over to them and lifted up Mangle. "Mangle, are you ok? Please, answer me." He whispered in her ear.  She sputtered and started to cough. "Freddy, is that you?" she strained. "Yes, it's me" he said as he leaned over and kissed her. "No help fer the needy eh?" said Foxy as he got up to see Freddy. "Oh, sorry. I forgot that you were down here. Where's Baby?" he asked. Just as he said that, the animatronic called, 'Baby' walked in. "Hello my dear! Have you come to join us?" she said. "Hello Baby. I'm here for my friends." Baby then frowned and opened the cage. "Follow me, there is something that you need to see." Freddy gave Mangle to Foxy and went with Baby. Baby lead him to a room full of computers and robotic parts. "Listen, you don't have much time. To save your friends, you must let us study your suit for a bear animatronic. We are losing him fast." She pointed to a corner where a shiny bear was falling apart. "Please, you have to help me. For old times sake?" He finally nodded and made Baby smile. "Good, now. Please step over to the study port and I will get you analyzed." He stepped towards a metal tube and got in. The system suddenly turned on and started taking orders from Baby's flying fingers. "Now, stay still and relax. This won't hurt a bit." Back in the cage, Foxy is holding Mangle while she sleeps. 'Come on you perverted bear. I believe in ya.'

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