the night before.

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I sat on my bed in my room on a Sunday night hating the world. I was mad to say the least. I wasn't mad at one particular thing though, I was angry with many things. I was angry because we had moved away from home, away from what little friends I had. I was mad that my father left us, making my mom, sister and I move. I was mad because I didn't know a single soul in this  new, small town. And above everything else I was mad because tomorrow I started the ninth grade, and I would be the new kid, the loser, the freak.

I had to admit, I wasn't the most popular kid back home, in fact I was pretty much invisible. At least then I still had my friends though. Well, a friend.

Her name was Tori. She was the only friend I had ever had and I was all she had. We had a lot of good memories together, of course all that was gone, shot to shit now.

I couldn't imagine where I would fit in at high school though. I'm not a very tall or muscular boy, I guess you could call me average. I have short dark hair with baggy bangs and blue eyes. I could almost pass as normal on the outside. Almost.

Of course, on the inside it was a whole different story. Ever since I was little I was very shy, I could never make friends normally. I was lucky to have met Tori. She was the one who pressured me into "getting help", as it turned out, I have severe anxiety. So talking and doing other things were a lot more difficult for me. My mother and father at the time had refused to put me on medication. I have no clue why. So school was not a safe haven for me. Most of the time I opted for reading instead of socializing. I don't know how I'll manage without Tori. I just hoped I could get through my first day without embarrassing myself.

I stood up from my former spot on my bed and looked around my small bedroom. We had moved in about 4 weeks ago and I hadn't ventured very far from my room. My room was pretty normal with a dresser, a desk with my laptop and class schedule that I'd been trying to memorize, a window facing the front lawn from the second story and my twin bed clad with blue sheets. It still didn't feel like home though, I thought sadly, glaring at my packed backpack.

Panic began to rise up inside me as I worried over tomorrow. I gasped for breath suddenly feeling claustrophobic in the room. I stood up quickly striding out of my room taking the stairs two at a time I strode into the living room. I plopped down on our brown couch and turned on the tv in a weak attempt to calm my nerves. I pretended to watch some movie as my sister, jenna, strode in. Jenna was going to be in fifth grade tomorrow, we looked a lot alike aside from her blond hair like our moms.

"Adam! I was just about to watch my show." She griped sitting down next to me.

"Jenna isn't it your bed time?" I teased her gesturing toward the clock on the wall that read ten o'clock. She rolled her eyes turning toward the tv. I chuckled at her doing the same. But I silently thanked her for distracting me.

About twenty minutes later my mother came home from work. She worked two jobs to support us, after he left. She was a bank accountant and a waitress at night. I loved my mother but I wished she didn't have to work so much. My brain checked out for a second as I thought of my long gone father but I was quick to push the thought to the very back of my mind.

"Hi momma!" Jenna and I yelled in sinc. Mom walked inside looking tired but happy to see us. I felt my heart tug a little. She put her things down before walking up to us.

"Guys you should be in bed I don't want you tired for your first day! Jenna go off to bed." Mom said gesturing to the stairs. Jenna got up her purple Pajamas dragging against the floor as she got up hugging mom and sauntering upstairs. Mom turned to me as I stood and walked over to her.

"I just wanted to make sure you got home safe." I said hugging her tightly. She smiled against my neck.

"Your a sweet boy Adam, I just know all the kids will love you at school. You'll make plenty of friends." She said kindly. I smiled for her sake, but I knew that wouldn't be the case at all. I jogged upstairs saying a 'goodnight' over my shoulder.

I showered quickly, before walking into my room and climbing into bed. I tossed and turned a little while until I finally fell asleep with the tiny hope that at least one person tomorrow wouldn't think I was a total loser.

       How was it? Did it suck majorly? Hopefully not. I promise you guys the story will progress. And don't be so harsh with the criticism because I'm new to writing for an audience. Kinda funny though because I don't even know if anyone is gonna read this. In that case I'm talking to my self. Okay before this gets any more weird, awkward, strange? I'm hoping to get the next chapter up either tonight or tomorrow. Ignore the errors I'm not an English major. Goodbye.

The Awkward Boy.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang