Game on.

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Hi I'm severely lacking in motivation because I'm not really getting any feedback at all and I don't know if it's because my stories not popular or my writing is just shit. Idk but anything's appreciated at this point. Okay on that note, Enjoy.

Time lapse- Thursday

Today was Thursday. I knew I was late for school when my mom busted in my room this morning, her signature bank accountant blazer rumpled and her hair in a messy bun.

"Adam! Get up, we overslept!" She yelled and shuffled, hurriedly out of my room. I jumped out of my bed fumbling through my closet in a sleepy daze. I quickly changed from my Halloween sweatpants into black jeans and a maroon hoodie. Which were just the first things I had put my hands on. Then I brushed my teeth and hair at the speed of lightning.

Before I knew it I was at school rushing into homeroom. In my haste I forgotten that the door slammed if you do not shut it properly. So, the door slammed and everyone looked at me it was some major deja-veaux. (I misspelled the crap outta that)

The teacher turned from the board saying," Mr. Novel Thank you so much for joining us, could you please take your seat so we can continue our lesson?" Mrs. Patterson asked sarcastically. I blushed hard nearly running to my seat. Once I sat down, my eyes off their own accord looked to Jesse. He had already been looking at me. His emerald eyes were soft and his smile was warm and welcoming. I couldn't help but return it shyly.

We hadn't spoken since Saturday night. It was Thursday and I was going crazy. It was technically my fault for that though, in an attempt not to get beaten up again, through lunch I went places Toby would never go. So I had been camping out in the library all week. Unfortunately this plan meant I had no time at all to talk with Jesse. I wished things could be different.

The rest of the hour was boring, as usual. With the teacher droning on, me pretending to listen, and the football players behind me making bonehead jokes nobody found funny (aside from themselves.) But, finally the bell rang.

I was quick to grab my booksack and forcefully shove my way past the students in the hallway. I dashed down the corridor in a half run and I had nearly made it to my second hour when I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder, holding me in place. A cold shiver ran down my spine. Toby was here, he'd come to finish the job. I readied my face to be punched, and then I heard his voice.

"Adam, man slow down I didn't think I was gonna be able to catch up with you." Jesse said, out of breath. I instantly relaxed even chuckling a bit. My heart raced a mile a minute though, his hand was on my shoulder and I couldn't think straight. It was a truly juvenile thing to be excited about but I couldn't help it.

"Maybe you should cut down on the pizza then." I said jokingly. His hand lifted from my shoulder and laughed freely. I smiled, happy that I could make him laugh.

"And you thought you weren't funny." Jesse said his laughter dying down. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't that funny. Not that I didn't like talking to him, but I really needed to get to class.

"Was their something you needed?" I prompted him as I began walking down the hallway and he fell into step beside me. He said nothing and he looked down at his shoes. I could've swore I saw a hint of pink coloring his cheeks. What could he possibly be thinking about?

"Yeah, uh actually I wanted to ask you something." He said after a moment. My heart stopped for a second and picked up its speed double time. What did he want to know? I stopped walking and turned giving him my full attention. He had already stopped walking and he stood with his hands in his jeans pockets looking anywhere but me. I cleared my throat prompting him to continue. Why was he being so shy and flustered all of a sudden? This was Jesse I am talking about. My anxiety rose every second he didn't speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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