Back home

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~one week later~
It's been one week since we got back home. Mia really misses everyone in rosewood and I am thinking about of moving back there. It can't happen anything because Charlet is still in prison. We just got to the shopping mal because I wanted to spend more time with Mia again. I had work so much this week because I wasn't there and so I needed to work more.
"What's wrong princess?"
"Can we go to this frozen youghurt stand there?" Mia says as she points to the frozen stand infront of us. I nod, take her hand and walk with her to the frozen youghurt stand. I order the frozen youghurt and walk with Mia to a table where we sit down. I take out my phone and make a picture of Mia while she eats her youghurt(picture above). Just as I put it on my lock screen my phone rings. I look down and see that it is Hanna so I answer my phone.
'Hello? Hanna?'
'Aria good that you pick up your phone. I have no idea what I have done if you didn't pick up your phone. Emily is with me and I already tried to call Spencer but she won't pick up her phone.'
'Alright Han breath and tell me what happened?'
'It's Charlet. They want to let her out of prison because she did so good the last five years and they want us here so that we can tell them if we are still afraid of her.' When she says this I freez and my phone falls to the ground.

My secret miracle/ EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now