1,000 Things To do when your Bored

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so this is a Book about what to do when your Bored!So,First off..15 Things to do when your Bored at home

1.Watch Tv and when Commercials come On,Mute them and Fill in The People's Voices with your Words.

2.Pretend to Be a Ninja and Sneek everywhere.

3.Dance around like a Maniac.

4.Sing Songs Really loud and Off key(Its better if its a Song with Really long Notes)

5.Draw a Really cute Picture of someone you hate.When your done,Vandalize The picture with Mustaches,Beards,Etc.

6.Put costumes on your Pet and Pretend your Pet is on a Run way and Take Pictures.

7.Read this Awesome,But stupid,Book!

8.Watch a Movie That you've seen A lot with someone who hasn't and Nudge them and say"This is the Part when(Then the part)"

9.Put Makeup on and Do it Horribly.Insit on Giving your Best Friend one.

10.Make Up random songs that make no sense.

11.Go in the Kitchen and Grab a Cup.Do the Cup song and Do it wrong.

12.Stare at your Parents and when they Look Back look away quickly and Pretend You did Nothing.

13.Clean your Room and Say"Yes!I've Finally Finished It!"And then have everything under a Bed.

14.Mess with your siblings and if they Blame you,Say"Do you believe THEM??Or ME??"(Works better if the sibling is Younger)

15.Pretend to have an Cross Bow and Be Catniss Everdene and Pretend your in the Hunger games Then say"Wait...I thought this was the HUNGER games...Not Killing everything and everyone


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