Stop Sulking

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"Can you explain to me," Jihoon drawled, "why you aren't taking pictures of pretty boy?"

Joshua shrugged. "I saw him with his boyfriend last time I was on here-thanks for leaving me by the way, all alone-" Jihoon rolled his eyes, "I think I should stop taking pictures of him. His boyfriend might not like it. It was already risky that I didn't get explicit consent."

"Since when the fuck did you care about not having explicit consent?" Jihoon sputtered. "Are you upset because he had a friend with him?"

Joshua made a weird noise at the back of his throat, face flushing red. "I just... I realized I was getting too-attached? Attracted? I don't know, but I don't even know him and I think I should stop. It's not good for me, I think."

"Just go up and talk to him!"


"Joshua Hong-"

"Jihoon, I just can't go up to him and say, 'hey, I like you even though I don't know you or your name. The highlight of my day is taking pictures of you.'" Joshua blabbered in a mix of Korean and English, "'Hey, I don't know you, but your smile makes me happy. Also, you're really attractive-'"


"'-and I would absolutely love it if you pushed me against a wall and stuck your tongue down my throat.'"


"Do you see why I can't just go and say hi? If I even try to talk to him, I'm just gonna end up blabbering and-" Joshua took a deep breath, cutting his rant abruptly and slumped forward, leaning against Jihoon.

"Wow, you have so many problems." Jihoon said speaking slowly in English.

Joshua grunted, too emotionally tired to do anything else.

"And the first one is that you just yelled most of that in Korean and pretty boy is standing less than five feet away from you." Jihoon hissed, pushing Joshua away from him.

"... Oh, god." Joshua said in a high pitched voice, standing up straight and feeling his neck and face heat up.

"Choi Seungcheol. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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