Stop Running

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Fight or flight?

Joshua's first instinct was flight. All he could think of was, run away!

That didn't happen. Not with his best friend around.

Jihoon had his hand curled around his wrist-painfully so, Josh might add-and the sharp tug he gave it almost dislocated his shoulder.

Now, Joshua wasn't someone to usually curse or someone to resort towards violence, but at that moment?

There was no other option, so Josh's instincts switched to fight.

So he yelled, "Fuck me!", and his hands went to Seungcheol's shoulder and pulled him down as his knee flew upwards into his stomach.

"What are you doing?!" Jihoon screeched, pushing Joshua behind him and asking the doe-eyed man are you okay? Oh, god, I'm so sorry, my friend is an idiot.

It took Joshua a minute or two to process and react to the situation.

"Oh, my gosh! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to react that way! Are you okay? Seungcheol-ssi?" Joshua blabbered, touching Seungcheol lightly on the shoulder. "I did it subconsciously-I'm so sorry, could-do you need to go to the hospital? Oh, goodness gracious, Jihoon, I think he needs to go to the hospital-"

"Shut up, you idiot!" Jihoon snapped, leading Seungcheol to an empty seat behind them.

"I'm so sorry." Joshua whimpered at Seungcheol, crouching so he could look at the man's pained expression.

"... I didn't peg you for the violent type." The man choked out.

Joshua flushed, "I'm not! I really am not, but my instincts went crazy since I couldn't jump off the bus, so I just-I'm so sorry!"

Seungcheol groaned and sat up, his face scrunched up in pain. There was an awkward silence which no one seemed to know how to get rid of.


Stop Sixty-six on Sixth Street, please board off carefully.

"I should-" Seungcheol broke off into a coughing fit, "I need to get off."

Joshua grabbed onto the taller man's arm, looking up at him with an apologetic expression. "Seungcheol-ssi. Please-let me make it up to you or-"

Seungcheol smiled.


"You fucking idiot!" Jihoon hissed out after Seungcheol left. "You are unbelievable, Joshua Hong."

"I know! You don't need to keep reminding me!" Joshua whined. "What else was I supposed to do? You wouldn't let me walk away!"

"You could've talked to him like a normal person!"

"I took pictures of him for months when I didn't even know his name! What kind of normal person does that?!"

"You-" Jihoon growled before rolling his eyes. "You better make a good impression tomorrow, or I swear. To. God, Joshua."

"Jihoon, I'm going to die."

"No." Jihoon said with a straight face, placing a hand on Joshua's shoulder. "You're going to get laid."

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