Chapter 12

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It's everyone's last night in the city, then we leave to finish our tour and Dylan Pru and Lucy go back to their little town. No one has said it but we are all worried that this is it for us. Since the night we ran into her ex Pru hasn't left her room. I've gone in to check on her and just find her and Paul laying together in silence. At least they changed into pajamas and haven't been laying in their nice clothes for the past two days. 

John has been writing music, so has George. Lucy's been helping him and they are the only ones who have been willing to leave to hotel to get food for everyone. And then there's Dylan... my little piece of pie.  Right now he's laying with his head in my lap, staring at the ring I gave him. "Richard?"

"Yes love?" He sits up. 

"Can we talk in my room for a bit?" I nod and he pulls me off the couch. We go into his room across the hall and as soon as he shuts the door I push him against the wall and press my lips against his. "Ringo please... I really want to talk for a minute." He says choking on his words, his eyes filling with tears. "I want to be with you...but I can't give in unless I know this isn't going to be the only time."

"Dylan... I have no doubt in my mind this is only the beginning. I'm not letting you go that easily." then he kisses me passionately. We find our way to his bedroom and shut the door behind us.  He hesitates unbuttoning his shirt, so I take over. 

"I've never done this before... with male or female." He says quietly sitting on the edge of the bed. Once both of our shirts are gone I lay down with him and pull him into a kiss. 


I lay here, topless, kissing the best love I've ever had... well the only love I've ever had. His kisses are soft and understanding. "I've never done this either. We'll figure it out together." I feel him unbuttoning my pants and I start to get really nervous. 

Eventually we are both underneath the covers, the feeling of his soft skin against mine. "Let me know If I hurt you... " He says with concern in his voice. I pull him into a kiss and then he does it.  I feel his hands tense on my shoulders and my body feels weak. My chest feels light though I'm taking hard deep breaths. "I love you..." I can't say anything back, trying to keep some control.  


"I don't think that's how to play the drums..." I saw as Ringo lays down next to me. He laughs and pulling me close and kissing my neck. I turn around so that I'm facing him. "You don't have any clothes on."

"Neither do you." I kiss his nose ans he smiles at me with his big cheeky smile. I feel my face turning red. I lay with my head on his chest as he lights a cigarette. "We should do that again sometime." I get out of bed, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I need to shower, care to join me?" 


I look up as Paul  comes out of Pru's room. He sits down next to me with red puffy eyes. "Want a smoke?" I ask offering him a joint. He takes in and breaths it in deeply. "Is everything alright?" He leans his head on my shoulder and I put down my guitar. 

"She's so scared john. I can't leave her like this."  He says. I rub his shoulder, wishing there was something more I could do for my best friend. "But we can't do that to the rest of our fans..."

"What's she doing now?"

"Sleeping, finally. I should go back in case she has another nightmare." He starts to stand up but I pull him down. "I have an idea... but I don't know if they would be up to it."

"Tell me."  I look around, not wanting anyone else to hear, not wanting them to get their hopes up. 

"Do you think we could convince them, and Brian, to come on the rest of the tour with us?"

"John... You are brilliant."He hugs me. 

"I don't see a problem with that, George let me in." we look up and see a worried Brian, he sits down next to us and takes a drag of our joint. "That girl really needs you Paul. John told me everything, I'm sorry. I guess they could come with us, as long as you promise to do all of the promotions lined up without any fuss." 

"I promise Brian. Cross my heart." Paul hugs him  and then rushes back to Pru's room. 

"That boys in deep aint he."

"Yeah he is... I think we all are." I say taking another drag.

"Even you?" He asks me.

"Not in the same way but yes. I've grow quite fond of these girls... and Ringo's Dylan."

"Dylan? Ringo found a man then... good for him." He stands up, " Better go make some arrangements for them, make sure they call their parents if they need. Car leaves in the morning at nine." 

It seems like it's no longer going to be the four of us. I think to myself while flipping to our picture in a magazine. "I hope this doesn't change anything."

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