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Quick A/N
I'm going to make US!Temmie speak normally considering im saving the distorted talk for US!Flowey. Just wanted to point that out.

Also Im not INCREDIBLY familiar with Underswap but I will try to put in as much effort as I can to make it as close to Underswap as possible. If I made any mistakes, you can tell me in the comments and I will fix it as soon as possible. Thanks!

Anyway, on with the Chapter!


2nd Person P.O.V
You slowly sit up, careful not to cause any pain to your still aching body. That fall has left your frail figure in bruises and scratches, accompanied by a broken foot and dislocated shoulder. You try to get up, but quickly fall back onto your knees after experiencing the horrible pain shoot from your foot and shoulder all throughout your body. You look around and examine the place you were in. It looked like a ruin of some sort, with its overgrown and old-looking pillars towering over where you were situated. You can faintly remember this place, but push away the thoughts when you hear shuffling in front of you. Looking ahead, you spot a cat-like creature with black hair, dog ears, white fur and a striped blue and yellow jumper staring at you.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie! Temmie the Tem!" The creature- or Tem - squeaks, making you slowly sit up. It looks at you, its thin eyes studying your features and your figure.

"You must be new to the Underground, aren't you?" Temmie asks. You slowly nod at the cute cat-like creature, unsure of what to say. "Not much of a talker, are ya?" Temmie laughs. You were slightly offended but decided to push that aside and nod again.

"I'm only going to assume you need someone to show you the ropes around here. I guess little ol' me will have to do!" Temmie giggles. "Well! Here we go!" They squeak.

The world around you goes black, and a [F/C] heart appears in front of you. You stick your hand out to touch it, but your hand fazes right through it, sending shocks of electricity coursing throughout your body. You quickly retract your hand. Your gaze switches back to the Tem in front of you, who was impatiently waiting for you to stop your tomfoolery.

"Anyway," Temmie begins. "See that [F/C] heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!" You stare at your SOUL in awe, wondering how a small heart like that could be so important.

"Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow stronger by gaining a lot of 'LV'"

You detect a hint of malice when Temmie says LV. They see the unasked question in your eyes. "What does 'LV' stand for? LOVE of course!"

Temmie squeaks. "You want some LOVE, don't ya? Don't worry; I'll share some with ya." Temmie winks at you, sending a bit of heat to course through your cheeks.

"Down here in the Underground, LOVE is shared through little pale 'Temmie Flakes'." Temmie summons a few small, bullet-like pellets, which seem to flicker in their place. "Go ahead! Catch as many as you can!"

You fail to detect the sneer behind Temmie's smile.

The pellets began heading right towards you. You reach your hand out to grab one, to which your soul reacts to by floating over in front of your outstretched hand. You manage to catch a flake.

Big mistake.

The bullet-like flake left an agonizingly large and painful burn smack dab in the middle of your SOUL, making you silently scream and jolt back, trying to suppress the pain as much as possible, but to no avail. You pull your hand back to your chest, the small heart following, but are still visible right in front of you. Temmie's face contorts into one of insanity, staring right at you with a smirk that sent shivers up your spine.

One Chance To Make It Right [UnderSwap!Papyrus x Mute!Reader] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now