•~2- Beyond The Door~•

542 19 27

*Throws Chapter at you*


oh ya


3rd Person P.O.V
The pancakes that Asgore made for [Y/N] were wolfed down in seconds. [Y/N] savored the sweet flavor of the pancakes and maple syrup that tickled her taste buds. Her gaze flicked back to Asgore, giving him two thumbs up and a small giggle. Asgore's face lit up with happiness, pleased that his new adoptive daughter enjoyed his food. He made his way over to the teenager, hugging her, to which she returned the heart-warming gesture, a wide and loving grin plastered on her face. Asgore was just so cuddly! (HUGGABLE GOAT DAD)

Asgore's gaze flicked over to the clock that hung on the wall nearby, and his eyes widened, a grin on his face. He pulls away from the embrace.

"I apologize, dear child, but I have something I must attend to. Stay here please." He told the teenager before scurrying away, down the stairs that lead to the unknown place.

She didn't know what came over her as she stared at his retreating figure, but as the feeling enveloped her heart she followed him. Curious and nimble like a cat, the teen followed the fatherly goat down the stairs, careful not to make any sound. Asgore turned a few corners. The teenage girl followed silently.

One last turn, and a thud was heard. The teen hid behind the corner, peering over ever so slightly and listening carefully.

Knock Knock

The teen spotted Asgore slumped down against a door, chuckling under his breath.

"Who's there?" Asgore replied.

"Dishes." A smooth, deep, yet slightly high pitched voice came from the other side of the door. That voice made the teenager's cheeks explode with heat.

"Dishes who?" Asgore replied.

"Dishes a very bad joke." The voice on the other side (A/N: HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIII- //slapped) replied, snickering at the horribly funny joke. Asgore's deep voice boomed into a loud laugh, causing the girl's hands to shoot up to her mouth, trying to stifle any laughs she could have made.

[Y/N] turns around and begins to walk back, not noticing the sound of footsteps behind her until two large and fluffy hands were on her shoulders. She stiffened and turned to meet Asgore's gaze. A nervous chuckle escaped the girl's lips, and Asgore began to frown. The teenager looked down to the ground, guilt obvious in her expression.

"Dear child, didn't I tell you to stay upstairs?" He asks calmly, yet the girl still detected a hint of seriousness in his tone. Regret flooded her entire body.

[Y/N] nodded her head, a few tears pooling at the bottom of her eyes. Blinking back her tears, the teenager's gaze lands on Asgore's face, seeing his calm and relaxing expression return to his face.

"Dear child, why did you follow me down here?" Asgore inquired, looking down at the girl with slight hesitation. [Y/N] lifts her hands to begins to sign her answer.

"When you first brought me here, I was curious about these stairs and where they lead, and when you went down just a few minutes ago, I was curious, so I decided that this was my chance to see what was downstairs... I'm sorry if I made you angry..." [Y/N]'s hands were trembling, a few tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Asgore wipes the stray tears gathering on her lashes and kneels down in front of her. [Y/N] turns her head away, not making eye contact with the fatherly goat, in fear that he would scold her. Instead he places his warm hand onto the girl's shoulder and smiles warmly. [Y/N] returns the smile, a sniff coming from her nose.

One Chance To Make It Right [UnderSwap!Papyrus x Mute!Reader] [UNDER EDITING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ