Chapter 1

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"You're worthless! You will never be anything!" He yells after me as I run up the stairs. Tears streaming down my face I slam my bedroom door. This is just like any other night..... For the past 11 years.
I sit on the floor crying like a child who has been refused sweets at the supermarket.
*knock knock*
I ignore it.
"Hey Lux." A tiny voice whispers. I look up and my little sister is standing by the door. I stay in the corner sniffling. She slowly steps closer to me closing the door behind her.
"Are you okay?" She asks in a sad voice. I just stare at her, my eyes glazed over. She comes and sits cross legged in front of me. She passes me her baby blanket.
"It always makes me feel better when daddy gets angry."
I pick her up and and put her on my lap.
"Thank you, Hayley."
Even though she is only 5 she acts like my mum; when I'm upset she always comes to comfort me and makes sure I eat properly. Really I should be doing that for her.

Everything was great up until I turned 6. My dad was happy, he rarely drank alcohol (only at dinner parties), he was caring and so loving. Then my mum passed away. She had been fighting a long battle with cancer and unfortunately lost. It was hard on all of us; especially my dad. He started drinking a lot, hooking up with random whores he met at bars but one of those whores gave me the greatest gift I could have asked for.... My little sister. Clearly she didn't want her so she abandoned her on our doorstep. I had to raise Hayley. My dad became extremely violent towards me and Hayley but especially me..... He blamed me for what happened to my mum. I tried to fight back but that only made things worse. He was broken and nobody could fix him.

I fall asleep holding Hayley in my arms. I wake up to her tapping me on the head repeatedly with a foam sword. I would freak out at her but I have no energy. I pick up my phone and look at the time.
"Shit." I say. It is 8:30am and I have to leave in 10 minutes.
I have no time to shower otherwise I will miss the bus. I just shove on my school uniform and grab some body spray.
I do my hair whilst waiting for the bus. The bus pulls up and I'm half way through doing a French braid. I manage to get my bus ticket out of my pocket and show it to the driver. I sit at the back of the bus as usual and finish doing my hair.
"Hey!" Paisley yells as she gets on the bus. I rolls my eyes and take my bag off the seat next to me.
"Hello Paisley. I see you're in a good mood."
"I'm in an amazing mood, I see you overslept again."
"Okay, is it that bad?"
"Did you bring make-up?"
"You're doomed." She laughs.
"Paisley you're not funny. You have to help me." I plead.
"Good thing I always carry around an emergency make-up kit." She says pulling an orange silicone pouch filled with beauty products out of her school bag. 
"You're an absolute life saver."
"I know. I'll do it when we get into school."
The bus pulls up outside of school and we get off. I take Paisley's hand and squeeze it tight. She gives me a reassuring look and we walk into the building our heads held high.

Here it is another depressing one. I find sad stories a lot easier to write.
Hope you enjoy it.

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