Lukewarm Coffee

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So then. She's left me. Good for nothing piece of shit. I can't believe it. I give her everything and I get a punch in the teeth. That's fair. I stare at my desk. The mug's stopped letting off steam. My laptop's charger light flashes. My iPod's playing music. My sheets of paper, filled with failed attempts at drawing a manga, lie scattered. I could clean it up. But why bother. I pick my mug up and take a sip. Hmm. Nothing's happening. As usual. I went to the supermarket earlier, maybe I should make myself some lunch. I get up and walk to my bed. As I drop myself onto it, I remember all the laughter... And the few tears too. Damn. Those ten months really flew by. I don't want to think about it. Or her. The only one who has been important to me has now gone for someone else. I take the picture of her off my nightstand and throw it, the frame breaking and the glass cracking. My phone rings. It's Aatu. "Yes?" He shouts. "Stop being depressed and get over it, the easiest girl in the world dumped you, so what, Åle?" I sniff. "It's not that sim... Wait, what am I talking about. It is that simple!" I get up, searching for my mug of lukewarm coffee. "Screw her, I'm going out. Dansk Kronas, get ready to be spent on CDs!" I hop off of my bed and get my wallet. A short bus ride later, I arrive in Downtown Nuuk and raid the media shops for good CDs. None. But hey, what did I expect? The bakery's next door. Time to raid the donuts! I haul out my iPod. I put on New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco. A bus flies past me. Shit. It's the one I needed to get. I rush to the nearby stop and hop on. I'm going to that great café on Öresundbrua Street. SkideStorKaffe, I believe it's called. I look out of the window. Nuuk isn't really that bad. Especially now that some new places are opening up. It's still not the city I want, but it's not godawful. The bus arrives and in the café I can see Aatu. I run into the café and greet him. "Åle, your mood swings scare me." I roll my eyes. "Oh Hi Aatu, fancy seeing you here. Anyhow, what is this café like?" Aatu nods. "Good." I raise my eyebrows and walk over to the counter. So many nice things, how do I choose?


"Åle! Good news!" I'm lying down on the couch. "What is it, dad?" He comes to me holding a piece of paper. "I got this today. You're going to Portview! You'll be going to America!" Portview is where my Aunt lives. I've never been there, she always flies to Greenland. "What school will I be going to?" Dad hands me the paperwork. "A little place called Beacon High. Apparently it's a very good school." I skim the papers. "When do I fly?" The answer stares me right in the face. On the weekend. In a few days, I'll be flying from GOH Nuuk Airport to PIA Portview International Airport. Via Kangerlussuaq of course. Nuuk's runway isn't long enough. "I can't believe it. I'm flying to America!" Dad chimes in. "You'll be staying with your aunt, apparently it's just a short bus ride from her house to the school and to the downtown area. Isn't that great?" It is. I'm as excited as a five-year-old on steroids at Christmas. No, wait. I'm as excited as a North Korean person experiencing freedom for the first time. No, wait. I'm as excited as a cheetah seeing rollerskates. I can't wait. Just a few short days, just a couple of multiples of 24 hours, I can't wait for it. Shit. I've got homework and school before that!


"So Åle, you're going to America?" I smile. "Yes, Mr. Låmï!" The teacher waltzes over to his table. "Okaysies, so this is your last week here before you leave, right?" I nood. "Okay. Åle, did you bring your homework with you?" I nod. "Good. Aatu?" He walks around the class, asking Helena, then Noora, then Carlya, then Kristen, and so on. I open my writing book and an essay growls back at me. That was draining to write. Exhausting even! "As you know, we're discussing Danish literature and it's influence on Greenlandic culture." Mr. Låmï's words blend together into a unanimous blob of "blah" as my thoughts drift to sitting at Starbucks, drinking hot chocolate whilst listening to songs by My Chemical Romance, then walking to look through Hot Topic, then catching the bus to the Multiplex Cinema... Living the cheesy tween movie dream. I can't wait for living in a place with more than five bus lines to become a reality. A place with buildings so high that they touch the clouds. A place with people with smiles full of joy. A place of... Shit. Mr. Låmï noticed my daydreaming. I'm in trouble. "Åle, are you with us?" I nod. "Yes, Mr. Låmï!" He shakes his head. "Because it doesn't seem like it. Concentrate, Åle, Concentrate!" I don't want to though.


The airport is shrouded in a nest of mist. Nevertheless I can see it's lights from the car. Tonight I fly to Portview. I can't wait. I don't think I can sleep tonight. I'll be flying alone. We get out of the car and drag my luggage into the Nuuk Airport building. We slog our way through check-in, passport control and the unaccompanied minors bit. After finally having everything cleared, mom and dad sit down with me at a café. It's late. Darkness has already fallen in Greenland. As we wait for my Air Greenland flight, my excitement grows. I'll be flying to America. And staying there for a few weeks. I can't wait. I simply can't! The minutes pass by as of they were dragging their arses on the ground. Come on, time, go faster! The announcement comes. My Air Greenland flight will start boarding in an hour. Mom and dad say their goodbyes and leave, with mom handing me a bag to open on the plane. From the duty-free store. I walk over to the terminal and sit down, watching the airplanes take off, land, and take off again into the stars. The night sky in Nuuk really is beautiful. From a window I can see a lonely line 3 bus doing its rounds. I get out my iPod and put some music on. I can't wait for boarding to start. My phone's already off in anticipation. I open my onboard bag and get out my book to pass time. The announcement blares. Time to board. I get to the gate and walk down the narrow corridor to the plane. I've flown before, but only ever domestic and to Iceland and Denmark once. I find my seat and stare out the window. I might miss how quiet Nuuk is. Screw it. I probably won't. But the night sky is beautiful. I love staying up at night and staring at it. I put my bag under the seat in front of me and open the plastic bag mom gave me. In it, there's a card, some sweets and a small keyring in the shape of Greenland. How very cheesy. But it's very thoughtful of her. I rip open a pack of chewing gum and start chewing. The boarding ends and the stewardess announces that we will take off soon. Soon I'll be soaring through the air, leaving the icy wastes and it's people behind for a vibrant, warm, colourful and fun city. Portview. My aunt's told me a lot about it and I googled it extensively. There's lots more going on in Portview than in Nuuk. As the plane takes off, I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. Soon, I'll have my dreams come true. Soon, I'll be living in a city, if only for a while.

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