Chapter 3

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Hello, hello! This is kind of a bland chapter, I know :c, but have no fear! The b-boys will come back next chaper ♥ I hope you still like this one, and watch out for the next update :) 

Like, comment, and share- be the very best :) 


(Mila's POV) 

"So he's like... really famous?" Jenni asked with a tilt of her head. We were indeed best friends, but she wasn't the b-girl I was, and therefore didn't quite get how crazy of a story this all was. 

"Yes! Like...just google him, and you'll know." I said, laughing. It was a good way to prove my point. 

"I'll just take your word." She stuck out her tongue, leaning back against the counter. It was a low point in the day, not many people coming in to dine in the middle of the afternoon. It was kind of always great getting paid for not doing anything. "So..." Jenni started again. "Is he hot?" She asked blatantly. Shooting her a look, I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I loved my best friend, but I wondered if any other factor about a guy was important to her. 

"Sure... I guess." I shrugged, turning around and picking up the pitcher of iced tea after I saw a customer waving me over for a refill. 

"What do you mean you guess?" Jenni gave me a look, expecting a better answer than that. 

"C'mon. Before today, I just thought of him as the Superman of dancing; I never thought of his looks!" I said, coming back behind the counter and setting the pitcher down where I had picked it up from. 

"But you saw him today! Just judge him, on a scale of 1 - 10." I realized Jenni wasn't going to leave me alone until I answered. 

"Fine... 8?" I said with a shrug. I honestly found him incredibly good looking, but going any higher, I knew that Jenni would go berserk, and then she'd be the one pushing me to jump at a second chance to go dance with his crew. 

"Ooooh." I wasn't looking at Jenni as I concentrated on cleaning up the counter with a wet cloth, but I just knew she was wiggling her eyebrows at me. "That's a pretty high score there. I'm definitely going to have to Google this boy now." 

"Oh you're so impossible Jenni." I said, but I added a hearty laugh. I still loved my best friend.

"I'm not impossible! i just want you to find that prince charming. Is that sooo wrong?" She tried to sway me with her best angelic look. 

"...I guess not." I gave in. "He's a jerk too though." 

"Oh. Well then I guess he loses a few points..." Jenni shrugged. 

"But~! You're all freaking out about this challenge, losing or whatever, but think about the big picture! You'd get to train with the biggest pros out there right? Isn't that enough to make up for whatever comes from losing the bet?" Jenni reasoned, showing her logical side to baffle me like she did every now and then. 

"Well- yeah... I guess." 

"So, just jump at the chance whenever he calls you!" She said. 

"...I guess." I repeated my words. 

"Don't just guess! Promise me. Whenever this Jaycen guy calls you again, you're going to go and meet the rest of the crew." Jenni stared me down, making it nearly impossible for me to not agree and promise her. 

"Okay, okay! I promise." 

"Good." She said victoriously, making me laugh again. I knew she was my best friend for a good reason. "And if any of the other guys in the crew are cute once you meet them, send 'em my way." Jenni winked. 

"Oh please, you can just hunt them down yourself. I'm sure you could do it." I teased. 

"Stop making it sound like I prey on guys!" 

"But you do- Ow!" I pouted when Jenni gave me a firm punch to the arm. 

"That's what you get!" 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just don't punch me again." I rubbed my arm. Jenni wasn't much taller than me, who stood at a measly 5'2". No one would expect her to have such a firm punch. 

I could tell she was about to give me a rebuttal when the bell at the door ringed to alarm us that more customers were coming in. Looking at the clock, I could see that the dinner rush was just starting. 

"Back to work girls!" Our manager yelled out from the back, and so without another word, we both took up our clipboards and started seat the customers and wait on the tables. 

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