The Past

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You are going through your old camera when you find a photo of you with your old friends Jeff and Lui. You started to cry because you hadn't seen Jeff in 3 years and you missed him a lot. Lui had told you that Jeff went insane and tried to kill him. You hoped Lui was lying, that didn't sound like the person you became friends with. The Jeff that Lui described was completely careless and mean, but the Jeff you had known loved his family,was so kind,and cared about his friends as much as possible. You looked at the balcony and saw the silhouette of a man sitting on the railing,odd enough he looked a bit like Jeff,but it couldn't be him or could it?
This is my favorite story of mine. It's not because Jeff is my favorite it's because this one is the one I feel like I did the best on. In fact I think it's so good that I've already thought of things I could do for a prequel. I'm going to call it The Price Of Insanty. Jeff explains that you knew eachother before he went insane so it's going to be a story explaining your past with Jeff.
Well Bye!

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